Video - Internet Television - Articles Archive
from January 17, 2007 to December 3, 2006

Online video encoding and video formats conversion are some of the most time consuming tasks an online video publisher has to confront himself with. But a new online service from Europe puts an end to this huge time waster once and for all. Small online ... read more

Robin Good - January 17, 2007

Have you been trying to find some cool internet video only to waste a lot of time to find little or nothing? You are not alone. Nonetheless the huge amount of video content now accessible online, finding the quality part of this infinite long tail of videos ... read more

Robin Good - January 10, 2007

Internet video and online collaboration were massive growth sectors in 2006, and as 2007 forges ahead the two are finally coming together. With the emergence of the first real-time video synching and sharing solutions, the Internet video experience is definitely bound to become a critical work ... read more

Michael Pick - January 8, 2007
What is the future of independent films and user-generated video now that the online video revolution is in full swing? World renowned film-director and Oscar winner Francis Ford Coppola shares, in this very old television clip (must be from the 80s), his 1-minute insight into the future ... read more

Robin Good - January 8, 2007

Music video creation service lets you personalize your own video clips through a web-based recording and post-production studio Video tagging service allows you to bookmark specific scenes inside online videos on YouTube and Metacafe Video clips clearinghouse lets you watch some of the very best user-generated video clips ... read more


The ubiquity of cheap, all but throwaway cameras is something we have come to take for granted. Web-cams and the advent of online video sharing have made broadcasting our internal lives to the world as easy and as commonplace as picking up the phone. But ... read more

Michael Pick - January 6, 2007

Online video, Internet television, IPTV and grassroots independent video publishing will indeed be some of the fastest moving new media sectors. All of them will see further changes, unpredicted disruptions and innovation, and lots of new fascinating video publishing tools and content opportunities during 2007. This ... read more

Robin Good - January 1, 2007

Video sharing community allows you to create your own video channel Video playlist creator lets you build up and share your own video playlist Video encoder enables you to encode your own videos within your browser Project management tool lets you manage tasks and collaborate online with your team Web ... read more

Livia Iacolare and Robin Good - December 31, 2006

2006 proved itself to be the year of online video, and as the medium has evolved more and more free online resources have become readily available for those willing to look for them. As universities get wise to the Open Courseware concept, and independent video producers ... read more

Michael Pick - December 29, 2006

Online video is a great way to add rich content to your blog or website, whether you are keeping a personal journal or running a for-profit operation. The Google Ajax Search API is a great way of being able to customize the way you display your ... read more

Michael Pick - Google Playground - December 26, 2006

Iraq War: Bloggers And Independent Journalists Bring Back The News The Western Media Can't Touch - Iraq: The Hidden Story - Video Highlights Native Iraqi independent journalists and political bloggers engaged with real people on the ground level are bringing back the news that the Western media ... read more

Michael Pick and Robin Good - Channel 4 - December 23, 2006

As always, much of what you have seen in 2006 is only an anticipation of yet more innovative, effective and useful new media technologies to appear in the coming months. In this yearly "technology predictions" article I take a look at key new media technology areas ... read more

Robin Good - December 20, 2006

Looking for how to create your own video channel online or for how to access your favourite video clips through your mobile phone? Want to know how to reach all of the major instant messaging networks from your mobile phone? Here is Robin Good's weekly collection ... read more

Livia Iacolare and Robin Good - December 10, 2006

In this set of video footage from the 2004 tsunami, some interesting clips focusing on the issue of tsunami prevention, what could have been done and what should be done in the future to avoid similar tragedies from repeating themselves. The video clips shown here below explain ... read more

Robin Good - December 8, 2006

Tsunami 2004: video clips of survivors from the tsunami report their experience during the tragic moments when the gigantic wave hit the coastline. Some of these videos are coming from professional news sources like international TV stations and news agencies. To view the videos listed below you only ... read more

Robin Good - December 8, 2006

In this mini-collection of tsunami video clips are some of the most remarkable images of what the 2004 tsunami left after it hit the shores of many south Asian countries. From the east Africa coast to Malayisia and beyond, the effects of the gigantic tsunami wave have ... read more

Robin Good - December 8, 2006

Looking for tsunami video footage? Here finally are some of the most impressive tsunami video footage I have gathered from a multiplicity of sources (check credits for each). Thanks to the advent of online video publishing and free video sharing services I have now been able to ... read more

Robin Good - December 8, 2006

Internet TV is expanding at a breathtaking rate, and 2006 has been the year of Internet video. But the sheer amount of video content out there makes finding something worth watching a sometimes grueling task. Let's face it, among the rare finds and priceless gems there ... read more

Michael Pick - December 8, 2006

Online video, or what we are increasingly referring to as Internet television, can't be really appreciated unless there are tools that simplify, facilitate and enrich the process of searching, playing, sharing and publishing online video content. The new Democracy video platform, a free, open-source tool which ... read more

Michael Pick - December 4, 2006

Looking for how to send SMS messages to your group of contacts at once or access all major instant messaging networks from one single web page with no need to install any software? Needing to communicate more effectively without having a big budget? Here is Robin ... read more

Livia Iacolare and Robin Good - December 3, 2006

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