Technical Support - Articles Archive
from October 10, 2004 to July 26, 2004

Eric Rice, well-known blogger and founder of AudioBlog, now also hosts a radio show on the net. In his relatively recent and experimental audio broadcasting journey Eric is using Garageband to record his podcasts. While in San Francisco Eric visited Robin's party Friday night at ... read more

Robin Good - October 10, 2004
Straight from Seattle, a randomly ordered list of all people invited to join the meeting of the MSN Search advisory group, nicknamed "Search Champs": Elizabeth Lane Lawley (mamamusings) Paul Aelen (Dutchcowboys - in Dutch) ... read more

Robin Good - October 4, 2004
With the rapid popularity gained by USB keyrings and other portable miniaturized memory storage devices, the ability to be able to install a functional copy of your preferred browser has become not only a natural need but an opportunity to extend the usefulness of your portable ... read more

John T. Haller - September 26, 2004

PDF or Portable Document Format, is a unique, cross-platform format that allows for precise representation of documents inside highly compressed files. By converting a document to PDF, the key advantage is the ability to preserve with high fidelity the original design, look and fonts of the ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - September 25, 2004
Released today, Web Collaborator is a new online collaboration tool which allows online groups to work effectively around the same document. A wiki at its foundations, Web Collaborator has been designed with maximum ease-of-use in mind, and with an extra layer of security and control over ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - September 20, 2004

FlashPaper is Macromedia solution to distributing and repurposing content with ease and cost-effectiveness. The $ 79 software tool, allows anyone to easily convert any printable document into either Web-ready Flash files or highly secure PDF documents. Flash and PDF are by themselves two of the most popular ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - September 19, 2004
Shiv Singh writes an excellent article for Line56 about the trends that will drive most of the large organizations intranet implementations. If you are part of one, here some good food for thought. You may likely resist some of the points listed below, but fact is that ... read more

Shiv Singh - September 16, 2004
The Mozilla organization has just released a new update of both FireFox, the browser, andThunderbird, the email client, which now integrate a full blog/RSS reader/aggregator along with a number of new features. Mozilla FireFox is a standards-compliant, open-source, free browser which has a strong and rapidly increasing ... read more

Robin Good - September 14, 2004
This is a good list of free tools that can easily replace commercial software applications we normally use. The software tools in this list are all free replacements for software that people commonly pirate, copy or steal through illegal means. My call: Do not pirate software ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - September 11, 2004

Most advanced PC users run a note-taking utility on their computer. They are available in several shapes and sizes. Sticky notes utilities are a specific category, allowing you to quickly jot down a note and stick that to your desktop. A good example is the well-designed ... read more

Robin Good - September 7, 2004
Many bloggers and newsmakers greatly enjoy writing their news, live, while logged directly into their online publishing system. But the more scrupolous and professional ones among them are often forced to cut and paste their content back out of their browser and into another application for ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - September 6, 2004
This is something we have been longing for quite a while, and, in my humble opinion, something that can have a profound disrupting role in how IT departments and Web developers will select their Web coding and testing standards. As it appears, we may have a ... read more

Dan McTaggart - August 31, 2004
"I have been an explorer user for a long time. The question is not whether I like it or not. The question is, is there something that can reasonably replace it. Between spyware and BHO's changing my home page on a regular basis I was getting annoyed ... read more

Dan McTaggart - FireFoxIE - August 30, 2004
Datapod, an Israeli company, brings to market an aptly named tool to facilitate the popular need to easily synchronize PC laptop contents with one or more desktop computers. Chris Shipley, reports its first impressions about version 1.0 in its latest release of DEMOletter. "BeInSync, the software, ... read more

Chris Shipley - DEMOletter - August 22, 2004
"The term Web standards can mean different things to different people. For some, it is 'table-free sites', for others it is 'using valid code'. However, Web standards are much broader than that. A site built to Web standards should adhere to standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, ... read more

Robin Good - Max Design - August 16, 2004
Microsoft Word: time to rethink its role? Popular PC Magazine columnist John Dvorak launches a timid attack on the most popular word processing application available on personal computers. Microsoft Word Dvorak argues that some of Microsoft Word long time weaknesses have persisted with no signs of recovery ... read more

John C. Dvorak - PC Magazine - August 15, 2004
Converting VHS tapes to digital DVDs is any amateur videomaker secret desire. Tools and technologies are here that make this once difficult black art a straightforward set of simple steps. CNet editor Lee Koo and the CNet Forum community contributors provide great tips and advicet: "1. Capture ... read more

Robin Good - CNet - August 13, 2004
"Will it always be a Microsoft Windows world? Okay, I knew this chunky black box wouldn't be the sexiest PC on my block. But that was fine, considering its paltry $278 price tag—and that I'd really ordered it for what it didn't have: any Microsoft software ... read more

Robin Good - MIT Technology Review - August 12, 2004
Thanks to TinyURL's voluntary-distributed human alert service (you may not be subscribed, but I tell you this thing is great) I was informed the other day that may links in the newsletter where not leading anywhere as the TinyURL server was temporarily down. Whoooi. "Thank you TinyURL, ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - August 9, 2004
An excellent tool for workshop presenters, trainers, facilitators and even for marketing and sales staff, is this little easy-to-use utility which allows you to enlarge and tile-print any image file to a poster-size format. This is extremely handy when you have a low-budget and need to ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - July 26, 2004

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