Technical Support - Articles Archive
from March 11, 2005 to October 10, 2004
If you run Microsoft's Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 operating systems on your PC and have enabled the 'Automatic Update' function, you may have recently noticed, amongst the deluge of alerts, a notice from Microsoft recommending that you make use of its new ...
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Robin Good - March 11, 2005

Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) browser, as predicted at the end of December last year, continues on its downtrack in relation to its upstart competitors.
In a recent ZDNet News article entitled "Growth rate slips for Firefox usage", it's revealed that two recent tracking surveys, one from OneStat ...
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Robin Good - March 2, 2005

I am sincerely dismayed.
This Microsoft thing is just a nightmare.
Not that I didn't know before...but when you hit your nose head into a thick glass wall you tend to realize with greater depth that what looks transparent maybe just as hard as steel.
What happened?
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Robin Good - February 25, 2005

I often find myself copying contents from one Movable Type article to another, for example from Robin Good Latest News to MasterViews, or from Sharewood Tidings back to Latest News.
Photo credit: Laura kennedy
I knew that it was possible to do this real fast, but I ...
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Marjolein Hoekstra - February 15, 2005

When in January 2005 Adobe released version 7 of Acrobat Standard, Professional and Reader, most journalists were struck by the newly added feature that allows users of the Acrobat Reader version to edit and annotate PDF files if the original PDF publisher has enabled this function ...
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Robin Good - [via Clive Shirley - Legal IT] - February 11, 2005

If you need to send a large file to someone without using email, you may want to know what services and tools are available without needing tech knowledge or using file transfer protocol (FTP).
Using the email attachment approach for files that are larger than one megabyte ...
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Robin Good - February 10, 2005

SMS to Skype is a free service from Connectotel allowing GSM mobile phone users to send Skype instant messages to any Skype user. SMS to Skype uses the standard Skype software and you do not need to install anything else to start using it now.
Phot credit: ...
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Robin Good - February 7, 2005

"After you get past the beginner stage with Firefox, try this "power-user" trick to make it download pages faster by allowing multiple connections so it can download more than one file at a time.
Photo credit: Thomas Bush
It's only useful for broadband users, so if ...
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Robin Good - ForeverGeek - February 4, 2005

Whether vision-impaired or just 'weary-eyed', computer users in need of a full-featured, flexible screen magnification tool will appreciate reading the full review of ZoomText, a specialized screen reader and enlargement tool that not only improves screen readability, but also provides speech support. It echoes audially what ...
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Robin Good - AI Squared - ZoomText - February 1, 2005

By December 2005 or before, as I have previously anticipated, Internet Explorer will not be anymore the browser of choice for the majority of Internet users.
IE and Outlook free fall
Today, according to my own traffic statistics based on a sample of over 600,000 visitors from ...
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Robin Good - December 31, 2004

One of my favourite asynchronous discussion services, QuickTopic, has just added RSS to its already extremely useful set of functions.
RSS feed generation allows you to follow QuickTopic comments and input from other contributors directly into your RSS reader/aggregator while allowing much greater exposure surface and the ...
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Robin Good - [via Steve Yost - QuickTopic] - December 20, 2004

Where are the automatic HTML to RSS conversion services?
I can’t believe it.
I’m writing a book on RSS feeds, and as a result, I’m doing a lot of research on RSS. The book will be called Syndicating Web Sites with RSS Feeds For Dummies and it’s for ...
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Ellen Finkelstein - December 11, 2004
Robin's article, RSSTop55 - Best Blog Directory and RSS Submission Sites, shows you how to submit your RSS feed to many different blog and RSS directories. If you're a blogger, your blogging software may have a feature that makes it easy and quick to notify directories ...
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Robin Good - November 10, 2004

Several months ago I changed from Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox as my default browser. I asked around a bit before making my choice and really felt attracted to the open design of the program and the huge, though somewhat geeky community that is so vigorously ...
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Robin Good - October 29, 2004
Foxylicious is a free Mozilla Firefox extension developed by Dietrich Ayala that integrates your bookmarks into your Firefox browser's bookmarks.
In doing so, it dispels a worry that many may have in using online bookmark managers - that due to connectivity problems they may not ...
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Robin Good - October 25, 2004
In his latest Alertbox column published just a few minutes ago, Jakob Nielsen acknowledges finally the dire state of the Internet and the urban jungle it has become.
Security issues are rampant and if you are to judge by the number of security reports, patches and ...
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Robin Good - October 25, 2004
If you are into online software technologies, screen-sharing, remote control and do not get annoyed by learning a bit more about what is possible out there, you will be certainly interested in checking out a recent Slashdot post that covered the best VNC-based screen sharing tools. ...
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Robin Good - Slashdot - October 23, 2004
Sending files as attachments to emails, especially using free webmail services, can be a problem when the attachment(s) are over 7MB. What if you wanted to email a file to a friend or colleague that was up to 1GB (yes, 1,000MB)? And you didn't have access ...
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Robin Good - October 12, 2004
As an independent publisher or NewsMaster, you may spend a fair amount of your time away from your desk. There may be times when you're out and about that you need access to a computer. If you don't own a WiFi-enabled laptop PC, or simply haven't ...
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Robin Good - October 11, 2004
Webnote is a tool for taking notes on your computer. It allows you quickly to write something down during a meeting, class, or any other time that you have a web browser available.
You start by creating a workspace and creating notes in the workspace. You ...
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Robin Good - October 10, 2004
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