Search Tools and Technologies - Articles Archive
from November 30, 2005 to April 28, 2005
Microsoft has just communicated by email to all existing Search Champs and has also published on the MSDN Search blog an "Open Call" for anyone to participate in the next Search Champs event taking place less than 8 weeks from now. The Microsoft Search team wants ...
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Brady Forrest - Sean Carver - MSN Search Weblog - November 30, 2005

Google, launched yesterday its newest and most speculated about tool: Google Base.
In essence, Google Base is a powerful and highly scalable database for submission of publicly shareable structured data. It is also a way for Google to let anyone upload information to Google databases.
As Rafat ...
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Robin Good - November 17, 2005

Here is Robin Good's weekly basket of new media resources, software and articles that I would like to share with you. They are all powerful digital weapons for participating in the user-driven publishing revolution Robin is chronicling.
Feel free to test, download and freely use any of ...
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Kevin C. Borgia and Robin Good - November 13, 2005
Tomorrow, I will be publishing a review plus interview with what I consider the first true full-fledged newsmastering engine.
For the first time, after 21 months ago I described in summary points my own vision for what a newsmaster and a newsradar (or newsmastering feed) would be, ...
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Robin Good - November 8, 2005

The new, long-awaited version of the RSSTop55 Premium is finally available online.
The RSSTop55 Premium, Maximum ExpoRSSure, is a 60-page mini-guide that complements and augments the freely accessible public RSSTop55 clearinghouse I have been publishing online, in helping individuals and organizations find the most relevant RSS ...
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Robin Good - October 24, 2005
New initiatives seems to be the key phrase for Yahoo Inc's end of the year rush. On Monday, the Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company unveiled a tweeked version of its news service by adding a blog search to enrich its experience.
A keyword search for regular online news will ...
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Robin Good - October 14, 2005

Keyword research using Wordtracker can be the cornerstone of an effective online marketing strategy, and a recently-released ebook details how to best use the software to its full potential.
Compiled from articles by several online marketing experts including Robin Good, the guide discusses how the unique ...
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Robin Good - October 8, 2005

The realization of the Long Tail and the opportunities it delivers to the small publishers, niche musicians, independent video-makers is tightly weaved with the ability of Internet entrepreneurs and open-source developers to design effective search tools that enable true exploration of specific media universes like books, ...
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Robin Good - October 5, 2005

Here again today, like every Sunday, my selection of new media picks selected from all those greart new resources and tools that I have seen pass in front of my eyes but for which I have not had enough resources and time to create a specific ...
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Robin Good - October 2, 2005
As reported by SearchEngineWatch, Google has just introduced its long awaited blog search service, becoming the first major search engine to offer full-blown blog and feed search capabilities.
"While Google web search has allowed you to limit results to popular blog file types such as RSS ...
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Robin Good - Chris Sherman - Search Engine Watch - September 14, 2005

Prompted by the business prospect of a coming search market valued at $ 18 billion in the next five years (source: Safa Rashtcy - Piper Jaffray) and following the recent technology announcements in personalized collaborative search made by Yahoo (My Web 2.0) and Google (My Search ...
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Robin Good - August 23, 2005

A new, outstandingly designed podcasting player, search tool and aggregator has just launched. Called the Ziepod, it offers unmatched ease of use, features and ergonomics to make it anyone's best Windows candidate as the next podcasting player of choice.
The Ziepod is indeed a little jewel of ...
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Robin Good - August 20, 2005
PCWorld lists their preferred free/shareware desktop search tools for the PC, providing reviews, download info and more. This is a good starting list, lacking only Microsoft' own Desktop Search (part of the MSN Search Toolbar) and Chris Pirillo's favourite search tool: Copernic Desktop Search.
To find ...
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PCWorld - August 18, 2005

Would you like to automatically search live television broadcasts based on key words?
How about an immediate email notification of relevant news with video and text of anything matching your keywords of interest or the ability to archive any relevant video segment found?
Keyword search of online ...
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Robin Good - August 2, 2005

Another new Google release has just made its debut, providing the first public version of the long-anticipated Google geographic search technology, a unique tool bringing together local search with satellite images and maps from all around the world.
Google Earth provides a stunning visual, and I ...
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Robin Good - June 30, 2005

Due to the enormous and ever-increasing information flow we are all submitted to, the only way to improve our ability to access and use the information that is really important to us, must take place by scaling up one notch our ability to filter, aggregate and ...
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Robin Good - June 15, 2005

The sheer number of new, interesting unique tools and services that keep popping up is increasing at an ever increasing rate. Each day I have many more items that I'd like to cover but only enough time to provide good insight and information on a few ...
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Robin Good - May 22, 2005

Start is a new, still undefined, unpromoted and unhyped technology service from Microsoft, which has lots of good things going for it.
click thee above image to enlarge it
I first saw the Microsoft Start technology during the recent Microsoft Search Champs 2 meeting in Redmond, and as ...
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Robin Good - May 19, 2005

In March 2005, Google registered the trademark 'TrustRank' with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). What might this tell us about Google's forthcoming initiatives and how might this trademark's application, and its potential functionality, fit alongside the existing Google 'PageRank' feature?
Photo credit: Diego Sapriza
PageRank (PR) ...
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Robin Good - [via SearchEngineWatch] - April 29, 2005

Be very, very careful when typing "" into your browser's address window. If you inadvertently type (do not do this) "", your computer will be infested with Trojan droppers, downloaders, backdoors and spyware, and an unsuspecting user only has to visit the page to be at ...
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Robin Good - F-Secure - April 28, 2005
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