Privacy and Security - Articles Archive
from December 16, 2005 to April 9, 2005

I am part of a group of citizens who are concerned about control over digital media.
In particular, I am, like others, very worried about proposed laws, regulations and technological systems that will make digital media more expensive, less useful, less diverse and less democratic.
This ...
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Cory Doctorow-BoingBoing - Campaign for Digital Rights - December 16, 2005

Podjack: (verb) – To create an alternate RSS feed to a podcast without the permission of the podcast’s owner.
I am writing this piece for the sake of giving podcasters information on how to protect themselves from similar podjackings. And I’m also going to finish this piece ...
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Erik Marcus [via Kevin C. Borgia] - - December 14, 2005
Software Patents, Microsoft Monopoly, Free Software: Free Software Foundation's George Greve Reports

Free software, copyright issues, software patents remain highly important issues to follow and to understand if you are looking into a future where more of the small businesses and professionals will have an opportunity to play in the marketplace with their ideas and inventions.
But this may ...
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Robin Good - December 7, 2005
Though this is not this morning breaking news, the story of the Sony rootkit still surfs many of the top news headlines as it keeps evolving and revealing more of its nasty nature.
What Sony did, was to include within commercial music CDs a hidden malicious software ...
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Cory Doctorow - Boing Boing - Boing Boing - December 3, 2005

"The big content owners have been determining the world's intellectual property regimes for the last few decades.
By clever lobbying at extraordinarily boring conferences, they had managed by the late 90s to commit governments, through the world trade talks, to a draconian programme of laws extending ...
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Andrew Brown - The Guardian - November 21, 2005
And how to keep the neighbors from stealing yours. ...
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Paul Boutin - Slate - November 14, 2005

While much of the online world crows on about the benefits of interactivity and community building, the plain truth is that such openness punching through from the open Web to intranets gives most corporations nightmares.
A Wired News article points out that it's common practice for ...
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John Blossom - Shore - October 29, 2005

Color printers leave a technical fingerprint that identifies the source of the document, silently encoding information about time and date of printing, and the printer’s serial number on every page printed.
The Electronic Frontiers Foundation recently released the results of the Machine Identification Code Technology ...
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Kevin Borgia - Jason Tuohey - The Electronic Frontiers Foundation - October 27, 2005

Are the virus and worm attacks of recent months preluding to a major disruptive attack on ur technological infrastructures?
Are we prepared to counter such a possibility?
What are the strategies and approaches that security experts would suggest to adopt to reduce to a minimum the possibilities for ...
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Robin Good and Chiara Moriconi - Clusit Newsletter [via Giovanni Canali De Rossi] - ANSSAIF - October 15, 2005

Reporters Without Borders has produced the Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber Dissidents, a 46-page eBook describing how to successfully create a blog even under government censorship scenarios, or where speaking up openly can endanger the freedom of the blogging author.
"[Blogs are regarded by many] as ...
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Kevin Borgia - Julien Pain - Reporters Without Borders - October 13, 2005

Blogs are an incredible tool for information sharing, communicating ideas, or just putting thoughts out in the open.
But blogging is not a Teflon coating, there are dangers associated with these tools especially when the topic of your own blogging is the company you work for ...
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Robin Good - October 7, 2005
"The same system that prevents worms and viruses from running on your computer might also stop you from using any legitimate software that your hardware or operating system vendor simply doesn't like. The same system that protects spyware from accessing your data files might also stop ...
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Bruce Schneier - ZDNet UK - September 2, 2005
Tomorrow, September 1, 2005, US cell phone numbers will be released to telemarketing companies and you may start to receive sales calls for which you may be charged.
To save yourself from this plague call the following US number from your cell phone: 1-888-382-1222. Your number ...
read more" target="_blank">[via Robin Berg] - August 31, 2005

If you haven't heard the news from Sophos, a top computer security firm, it's time you did.
According to the company, one in every 44 emails was viral in 2005, with an unbelievable 48% increase over the previous year. Over 15,000 malware threats were identified. Sophos' report ...
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Robin Good - July 13, 2005

Though I am and have been a strong supporter of the adoption of RSS as an effective, user-centered, content delivery and distribution mechanism, I must be frank enough to show some of my concerns as well for this great technology.
Photo credit: Kristen Handfield
I am not drawing ...
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Robin Good - June 14, 2005

In March 2005, Google registered the trademark 'TrustRank' with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). What might this tell us about Google's forthcoming initiatives and how might this trademark's application, and its potential functionality, fit alongside the existing Google 'PageRank' feature?
Photo credit: Diego Sapriza
PageRank (PR) ...
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Robin Good - [via SearchEngineWatch] - April 29, 2005

Be very, very careful when typing "" into your browser's address window. If you inadvertently type (do not do this) "", your computer will be infested with Trojan droppers, downloaders, backdoors and spyware, and an unsuspecting user only has to visit the page to be at ...
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Robin Good - F-Secure - April 28, 2005

If you're concerned about your online privacy and object to having spyware and adware installed on your computer without your permission, then you've probably already installed an anti-spyware program. You now feel that you can rest easy, safe in the knowledge that what you do and ...
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Robin Good - April 15, 2005

I was recently struck by the title of a short post pointing to what appeared to be security article entitled "A Public Health Approach to Preventing Malware Propagation" published by Technology Review.
Photo credit: Nick Winchester
The article is in fact only a short pointer to the master ...
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Robin Good - April 14, 2005

Blogs are a direct Web publishing tool that most any non-technical person can use to write and report online. What you do with this capability is just too vast to be categorized, judged and evaluated under one generic umbrella.
One use, often unpopular of blogs is the ...
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Robin Good - April 9, 2005
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