Presentation - Articles Archive
from December 13, 2007 to September 18, 2007

If real time reporting on the Internet, via a blog or news site is what interests you, a new live reporting publishing platform makes the live blogging dream a reality. Thanks to CoverItLive it is finally possible to do live blogging in the most literal sense ...
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Robin Good - December 13, 2007

What's better: link to old posts or write more of the new ones? Update the old and good posts or write altogether new ones? How about linking to little known people and resources: is that good or bad blogging?
Joshua Porter, a highly respected user experience ...
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Joshua Porter - Bokardo - December 12, 2007

Do you like GoToMeeting impressive screen-sharing capabilities but not its $49/month price tag? Are you on Windows? ConferencingNow offers right now what appears to be a full 100% GoToMeeting clone allowing you to have free online screen-sharing meeting with up to ten attendees at absolutely zero ...
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Robin Good - December 11, 2007

Just out of Adobe Labs is a new free collaboration tool: Brio. Adobe Brio is a new free screen-sharing solution for up to three people which integrates text chat, whiteboarding, annotation, video, VoIP / teleconferencing, file-sharing and note-taking. Brio is fully based on the well-established and ...
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Robin Good - December 10, 2007

OpenSocial is a set of common APIs for building social applications across many websites which in the end makes it very easy for a large number of individuals to start developing their own social web applications.
Three characterizing traits make OpenSocial such a very compelling proposition for ...
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Google Editors - Google Code - December 6, 2007

Creating web applications that work, are well accepted, provide a useful service and spread like a wildfire are not easy to create. It takes a recipe of planning, technology creativeness, social ingredients and practical down-to-the-ground usefulness to make any social application stick.
Joshua Porter of Bokardo, has ...
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Joshua Porter - Bokardo - December 5, 2007

Do you need to send huge, impossibly large files to your colleagues via the Internet? Eatlime, a new free, web-based (and desktop) service allows you to send huge files to anyone while making the process as simple as it can get. Still in Beta, the new ...
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Robin Good - November 29, 2007

Cross-media publishing is the ability to publish content across multiple media like the Web, printed books, video, slide shows and more. A new web-based platform provides all you need to assemble fancy multimedia slide shows with audio and music while providing you with all the facilities ...
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Michael Pick - November 26, 2007

Aditall provides an online marketplace for creating and selling, or buying and customizing inexpensive video advertising for the web.
Video advertising is one way of making your message stand out on the web, and has now even been included within the ad units offered by the popular ...
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Michael Pick - November 12, 2007

Selecting effective images for an article, post or web essay is not easy. Though an amazing number of new free image libraries, image search engines and other visual resources have sprung up like mushrooms in the last two years, the ability to select what's appropriate and ...
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Mrudula Kodali - WebCredible - November 1, 2007

New media literacy is the key missing component from our schools curricula. If you are to provide to your kids the mental tools and the manual skills required by today society you must help your sons master early in their teenage years how to express and ...
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Howard Rheingold - Education.Au - October 28, 2007

Communicating effectively a specific message online can be one of the most challenging tasks a web designer can face, especially if who has commissioned the work is part of a large organization in which there are many heads to be "satisfied".
The fundamental problem in these situations ...
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Joshua Porter - Bokardo - October 23, 2007

Media literacy is the notion that learning how to use new media technologies, online collaboration tools, personal publishing and live video streaming gear is not just about being cool and hip but it is a set of fundamental skills every young person should be equipped with ...
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Howard Rheingold - Education.Au - October 21, 2007

Is it better to optimize your web site for page views or for user experience? This is the question that more and more online publishers are asking themselves as advertising agencies and the buzz around new metrics hint at the need to look in new directions ...
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Joshua Porter - Bokardo - September 27, 2007

A newly launched web-based service allows you to easily improve the quality of your video clips by simply letting it analyze your clip and making automatic adjustments to it. The only thing you need to do is to upload your video clips and FixMyMovie does all ...
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Robin Good - September 26, 2007

Acrobat Connect Professional, the flagship web conferencing and online collaboration technology from Adobe, keeps, improving and remaining the real-time conferencing solution to beat. In this updated review I look again at Connect Professional key features, strengths and weaknesses to provide a comprehensive, independent evaluation of what ...
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Robin Good - September 25, 2007

Paul Rand, one of the most prolific and successful American graphic designers of the past century, lays down in this short essay the foundations of what the "politics of design" are all about.
Rand's design philosophy is valuable for anyone interested in improving her understanding of ...
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Robin Good - September 23, 2007
Google just launched Google Gadget Ads, basically, some highly customizable mini-sites in a box, that offer lots of possible applications, interactivity, animation, video and that exist to run as ads on AdSense publisher websites. Here's one:
Google Gadgets Ads are indeed micro web entities created by ...
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Robin Good - September 20, 2007

If you are looking for an easy way to share and collaborate on documents with other people in your team, Google Docs is one of the most interesting web-based alternatives to a Microsoft Office suite with the integrated, built-in ability to make document collaboration a breeze.
Google ...
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Lee Lefever - CommonCraft - September 19, 2007
"Maybe more than any other type of document, presentations are created to be shared. But assembling slide decks by emailing them around is as frustrating as it is time-consuming. The new presentations feature of Google Docs helps you to easily organize, share, present, and collaborate on ...
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Robin Good - September 18, 2007
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