Online Marketing - Articles Archive
from December 9, 2008 to October 21, 2008

Create professional looking presentations without using PowerPoint or Keynote and do it all from the web. Or at least that is what SlideRocket promises to offer.
SlideRocket is a powerful new web-based solution for designing and sharing your presentations. You can even design and present offline using ...
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Andre Deutmeyer - December 9, 2008

Want to know more about MasterNewMedia? In this monthly web traffic and demographics report, we showcase all of the most relevant data, trends and indicators for the number of visitors, page views and reader profiles collected across many of the major online traffic and trend tracking ...
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Massimiliano Badolati - December 4, 2008

Is your site accessible on a mobile phone? Not yet? Do you think your readers are all still accessing your site only via their PC-based computers? Think again: The number of people who surf the web via their mobile phones has been increasing tremendously in recent ...
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Alexander Baxevanis - Webcredible - December 3, 2008

Apture is a new tool for bloggers and online publishers that can add interactive multimedia links and embeds to their site with a single click. Apture takes the traditional act of linking to a whole new level and provides your site with greater functionality and depth ...
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Robin Good - December 2, 2008

AdSense optimization is a series of tactics to help you to improve Google AdSense performance on your blog site. One of the key issues you face when you decide to use AdSense is WHERE to place ads. Above the fold? At the Bottom? Left or Right ...
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Mel Ann Chan - Inside AdSense - November 27, 2008

Social media optimization is a marketing approach utilized to increase the visibility of your site by leveraging the power of social media and online communities.
Social media optimization is a term originally introduced by Rohit Bhargava back in 2006.
Rohit writes: "For years now, Search Engine Optimization ...
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Rohit Bhargava - Influential Marketing Blog - November 26, 2008

As content can be copied indefinitely and distributed instantaneously across the web, web publishers need to cooperate and partner with their peers to create free content distribution networks - collections of blogs and web sites where they can freely syndicate and republish their original content. Why?
In ...
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Attributor Team - Attributor - November 18, 2008

As passion, integrity and authority are among some of the key selection criteria used, it is with great pride that I can officially announce that MasterNewMedia has become part of the Federated Media Publishing and advertising network.
Federated Media, headed by John Battelle is the premiere ...
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Robin Good - November 17, 2008

Have you ever felt frustrated, when trying to open a web page that takes forever to load? Those sites with tons of videos, images, and fancy graphics are definitely cool, but if my Internet service provider bandwidth can't keep up with it, frustration sets in and ...
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Pingdom - Royal Pingdom - November 13, 2008

If your goal is to build solid, trustable relationships between your brand and your customers, The Company-Customer Pact may be one of the most inspiring manifestos to get your company back on track.
The set of guidelines and "social contract" proposed in The Company-Customer Pact, suggest ...
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Get Satisfaction Team - Company-Customer Pact Wiki - November 12, 2008

If you need to privately share any type of file, video, documents, audio or presentations, with a selected number of people, offers a private file sharing web-based service that is both efficient and dead simple to use. is a unique file sharing solution which ...
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Daniele Bazzano - November 11, 2008

Ad optimization and management can increase your ad revenue by as much as 150% (as PubMatic did with BikerOrNot). Or at least that is what companies offering ad optimization and management solutions are saying. If you are a professional blogger, you already understand that monetizing your ...
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Andre Deutmeyer - November 10, 2008

Video metadata can break or make your online video success opportunities. By understanding what video metadata is and how it needs to be used, you can significantly affect the way your video content is managed, distributed and found online.
But should metadata be authored by ...
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Gotuit Team - Gotuit - November 7, 2008

Video metadata has become a strategically critical factor in the successful creation and distribution of video content on the Internet.
As major search engines can't yet make sense of what is being said inside a video or where and who is being portrayed, unless you take ...
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Gotuit Team - Gotuit - November 6, 2008

Web traffic trends for October 2008 on MasterNewMedia showcase an upward swinging curve, not specifically connected to the issues, news, announcements or type of content I have chosen to publish, but more likely fueled by a general heavier usage inside professional, enterprise and educational settings.
The ...
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Massimiliano Badolati - November 5, 2008
Increase Page Views And Reader Engagement On Your Site With Lijit - Video Interview With Todd Vernon

Lijit is a free solution that helps you increase page views and reader engagement on your own site. By placing a non-intrusive search box on the side of your web pages, Lijit scans your site and discretely suggests your readers for additional relevant content.
In this video ...
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Daniele Bazzano - November 4, 2008

WordPress or MovableType? Robin Good meets Matt Mullenweg, founding developer of, and asks him about the advantages of using WordPress versus adopting a long-established solution like MasterNewMedia own publishing platform: MovableType.
WordPress, born back in 2003, is the most popular independent web publishing platform as well ...
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Daniele Bazzano - October 29, 2008

Did you know that even the Pope is now live video streaming from its mobile phone? Can't believe it? In this video conversation with Bhaskar Roy, co-founder of QIK, one of the most popular live mobile video streaming services, Robin Good uncovers the Vatican story ...
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Daniele Bazzano - October 28, 2008

Screen capture and screen recording tools allow anyone to record faithfully any visual activity taking place on your computer screen, generally for the purpose of creating a video tutorial, demo or showcase to be published online. Once a screen recording gets published online it is normally ...
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Nico Canali De Rossi - October 27, 2008

Delivering 1.2 million monthly page views is no easy feat. In this video, Robin Good shares with you how he has built this kind of traffic base and what choices he has made along his professional web publishing career to move this kind of traffic to ...
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Andre Deutmeyer - October 21, 2008
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