Online Marketing - Articles Archive
from January 21, 2009 to December 10, 2008

It's now official: Online advertising rates for websites of all sizes and categories have gone through a significant decline in Q4 2008.
If you had been wondering what you have been doing wrong to have your advertising revenues decline month after month, relax. It's not been your ...
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Albert Madansky and Michele Madansky - PubMatic - January 21, 2009

The online video advertising market could not look any brighter according to the new LiveRail report for Q4 2008. During the past year, online video advertising has shown not to be affected by the global financial crisis, with average CPMs growing at an ever higher pace, ...
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Niccolo Pantucci - LiveRail - January 20, 2009

Make tons of money online with my internet marketing secret formula! At one time or another you have probably already landed on a sales page claiming to be able to make you become another Internet millionaire only by reading and applying a few simple tactics, "anyone" ...
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Enrico Madrignano - Web Marketing Forum - January 19, 2009

How do you go about distributing your videos online in an effective fashion? How do you choose the right keywords to title your clips? If you are just starting up with online video marketing, these are probably some of your most pressing concerns.
In this second ...
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Daniele Bazzano - January 15, 2009

ScreenToaster is a new screencasting web-based service which provides high-quality screen video recordings ready for immediate web publication. ScreenToaster works on Macs, PCs and Linux computers and requires no software to downloaded or installed on your end. To me this looks like the best and most ...
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Robin Good - January 14, 2009

What does it take to make it as a startup in the web 2.0 world? Does it matter whether you are a European company or a Silicon Valley one? Are the chances and opportunities the same?
Just a month ago at LeWeb08, the two-day Paris event ...
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Daniele Bazzano - January 13, 2009

In this article you'll find more than 30 cool WordPress plugins to customize and tweak the performances of your blog site. Do you want more SEO control, embed videos, or track your RSS feed subscribers? Here's some good stuff for you.
There are many blogging platform out ...
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Daniele Bazzano - January 12, 2009

If you are struggling to understand the fundamentals of online video publishing, as well as how to use videos to do marketing, this video article with Lasse Rouhiainen gives you some good basic information on how to get started.
Lasse Rouhiainen is a passionate YouTube video publisher ...
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Robin Good - January 8, 2009

When ad networks alone are not enough to sell all of your ad inventory, ad exchanges step in to help you maximize the money you make. Put simply, ad exchanges work on the same idea as stock markets. They allow buyers to bid on your inventory, ...
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Andre Deutmeyer - January 5, 2009

Here is Part 2 of my New Media Trends and Predictions for 2009. In this report I look at major trends while I try to anticipate key changes and the type of innovation taking place around the world of new media communication and professional web publishing.
While ...
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Robin Good - January 1, 2009

Here my new media predictions for 2009: what to expect when it comes to new media, professional web publishing and learning, collaboration and social media? Find out everything I see coming across these key areas in this two-part report opening today.
I have prepared this report, which ...
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Robin Good - December 31, 2008

Social media marketing, ad management and optimization, diagnosing AdSense revenue drops, the brand ambassador model, are just some of the hot topics included inside this showcase of the best advertising and internet marketing articles published this year here at MasterNewMedia.
If you want to monetize your blog ...
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Robin Good - December 30, 2008

If you want to get some ideas and inspiration about how you could use online video to significantly increase your company social media marketing impact, look no further. I have collected here for you the very best video marketing examples of some popular corporate brands.
Video ...
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Peter Kim - Being Peter Kim - December 23, 2008

John Buckman, the entrepreneur behind Magnatune, shared his personal vision for successfully becoming your own boss at LeWeb '08 conference in Paris.
The title of his presentation was "Love Entrepreneurship: Your Own Way" and his focus was specifically on what key points you MUST follow if ...
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John Buckman - LeWeb '08 - December 19, 2008

One of the main concerns of every online publisher is money. If you start publishing your stuff online and you get some traffic, you'd probably want to make money with your blog as soon as possible.
But this is not going to happen very quickly, unless ...
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Daniele Bazzano - December 18, 2008

Web widgets are the new frontier of content distribution when it comes to social media marketing. Web widgets are tiny interactive micro-applications made up by small portions of code which can be easily embedded in your blog site, or run in a widget platform installed on ...
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Peter Kim - Being Peter Kim - December 16, 2008

This is my own video on the future of education, that completes and extends what I was able to deliver this past Wednesday at LeWeb in Paris.
Here below you can see two videos. One is the original recording from my LeWeb presentation and the other ...
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Robin Good - December 14, 2008

Online Video SEO is all about making your online video content more visible and easier to find on Google and other major search engines. In this article you can learn what are the critical components, techniques and tools you should adopt to significantly increase your online ...
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David Reilly - Webcredible - December 12, 2008

Classified ads for jobs offer bloggers a new way to monetize their websites. Job boards like Personforce, JobThread, SimplyHired, and JobCoin offer independent web publishers an interesting new revenue making opportunity - an opportunity with the potential to add anything from a few dollars to a ...
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Andre Deutmeyer - December 11, 2008

One of the main steps to become a successful online publisher is to build a strong online identity. The more you establish yourself as a reliable source of information, the more the people will seek you for help and visit your site.
In this short video tutorial, ...
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Daniele Bazzano - December 10, 2008
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