Online Marketing - Articles Archive
from January 27, 2010 to December 9, 2009

Social television is an emerging new media term used to refer to a new form of television technology that supports and integrates social interaction, recommendations, ratings, reviews and interactive participation among viewers via text chat, audio or even video-conferencing.
While the social element of TV is not ...
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Robin Good - January 27, 2010

What is content curation and why is it so important for the future of web content publishers? The content curator is the next emerging disruptive role in the content creation and distribution chain. In a world submerged by a flood of information, content curators may provide ...
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Robin Good - January 20, 2010

Knowing how to make your website faster will soon become a core requirement for any serious web publisher. As a matter of fact, as I have mentioned in Part 1 of this guide, Google will soon start using the speed response of your web site together ...
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Drazen Dobrovodski - January 18, 2010

As every year, Nora Ganim Barnes and Eric Mattson have released their groundbreaking research into the adoption of social media within the Inc. 500, the elite group of the fastest-growing companies within the United States. This is one of the first studies of corporate social media ...
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Nora Ganim Barnes and Eric Mattson - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth - January 13, 2010

How can you make your website faster? Are there specific speed-up steps one must take to decrease the time it takes to load anyone of your web site pages? If you haven't heard the news yet, even Matt Cutts, Google search engine evangelist, has already made ...
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Daniele Bazzano and Drazen Dobrovodski - January 11, 2010

If you are interested in finding out what I think 2010 and beyond have in store for you, when it comes to new media, communication, marketing, learning, collaboration and new technologies, you have landed in the right place. This is Part 2 of MasterNewMedia yearly report ...
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Robin Good - January 8, 2010

Every end of the year I stop to write down my thoughts about what's coming up next, when it comes to communication, collaboration, learning, marketing, media and technology, as this is the busy and fast-changing crossroad where I hang out most frequently. This time it has ...
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Robin Good - January 6, 2010

Video marketing is increasingly considered by online marketers and web publishers one of the most powerful and effective marketing approaches. But how do you actually go about creating video clips that can boost your visibility, marketing and conversions?
If you look back at 2009, last year was ...
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Robin Good - January 5, 2010

What is the future of news and of newspapers? Will 2010 let journalists and traditional news publishers see a way out from the economically difficult situation they got themselves in? Will Murdoch be proven right? Find out in this MasterNewMedia guide.
As 2009 is just behind our ...
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Robin Good - January 1, 2010

If you are looking for the top internet 2010 predictions, anticipations and trends from the top bloggers, the tech thought leaders and the top new media sites out there, you have landed in the right place. In part 2 of this MasterNewMedia guide to the top ...
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Robin Good - December 31, 2009
What are going to be the top Internet trends of 2010? As every end of the year, influential bloggers, opinion leaders and media experts look inside their crystal balls to foresee what will be hot and where the market is headed in the following year. In ...
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Robin Good - December 30, 2009

Whether online content should be free or paid has been one of the biggest debates in this 2009 that is coming to an end. Should publishers and marketers embrace the freemium business model and let content go out for free or should they charge their audience ...
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Robin Good - December 29, 2009
Online content licensing and syndication allow web publishers to distribute and sell their content to multiple audiences, networks, as well as to traditional media outlets. In an age where online content is increasingly spreading in contexts different than the original source, understanding all the options at ...
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Robin Good - December 28, 2009
Which ad optimization strategy should online publishers adopt to increase the value of their advertising space? With the economic downturn still in the rear-view mirror, monetizing each and every ad impression is a must-do for those who have bet all their horses on the advertising revenue ...
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Robin Good - December 27, 2009
In 2010 online ad spending is expected to start recovering worldwide from the disruptive 2009 economic downturn. Analysts agree that the steady growth of social networks and online video along with the new opportunities created by behavioral targeting and real-time will have a positive impact ...
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Robin Good - December 26, 2009
Social media marketing is making strong inroads among organizations and business owners. The problem is that all these people often find themselves quite puzzled about how to leverage social networking properly to increase conversions, boost their sales or simply create buzz around their products.
Online marketers are ...
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Robin Good - December 24, 2009

Online marketing is increasingly a critical element of anyone's communication strategy, as quality content, uniqueness and social media presence do not seem enough to guarantee a successful and sustainable online presence for anyone interested in it.
Unless you understand also how to effectively leverage your different communication ...
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Robin Good - December 23, 2009
What is social media ROI? Is it possible to measure your success with social media? In this MasterNewMedia guide you will find the best articles and reports to understand and calculate the return on investment from your social media campaigns.
Social media marketing campaigns are a ...
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Daniele Bazzano - December 21, 2009

When it comes to social media marketing, there are a million voices, opinion and tips to follow, but from where do you start?
Many of those who have jumped right into the social media frenzy by becoming extremely active on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other ...
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Robin Good - December 16, 2009

What is social TV? Why is everybody so excited about social media embracing online television? Is TV finally stepping out of the traditional broadcasting model to become more engaging?
Social television is a general term for technology that supports communication and interaction in the context of ...
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Richard G. Kastelein - Atlantic Free Press - December 9, 2009
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