Online Marketing - Articles Archive
from September 12, 2004 to July 31, 2004
The team at Thinktank23 has once again come up with something worth pointing to. These are the same guys behind Waypath, its unique nifty set of tools, and behind Nav4 one very interesting piece of publishing software that allows rapid categorization of content, creation of taxonomies ...
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John Battelle - Searchblog [via Julian Hope] - September 12, 2004
AdWordAccelerator is an online service that provides a very convenient set of tools to identify the (cost-)effective keywords combinations to utilize with Google AdWords.
Google AdWords is Google's own advertising program which allows any company to start advertising through the contextual text-ads appearing inside Google search ...
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Robin Good Recommends - September 12, 2004
Federated query, Xquery, XML rules and content analysis, are just some of the emerging key ingredients for business research integration, newsmastering and similar new activities entering the coming new fields, inside and outside the enterprise dedicated to the gathering, filtering and intelligent aggregation of specialized information. ...
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Robin Good - Enterpriseappspipeline - September 8, 2004
Though we have been hearing over and over that markets are conversations and that humans want to hear stories, "the web is not really conducive to story- telling as we know it. Which is a shame. Because good story telling is transforming and it conveys meaning." ...
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Ellen Kampinsky, Shayne Bowman, Chris Willis - September 4, 2004
"Technology is beginning to allow consumers to control their access to content, just like the remote control let viewers channel surf. Using a variety of technologies, consumers can control what they see, when they see it, and how they see it. They can strip portions of ...
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Eric Picard - ClickZ - September 2, 2004
If you are looking for yet another indicator to assess the credibility, authority or popularity of a Web site you may like to add Link Appeal among your list of valuable resources.
Link Appeal computes a reference score (1-10) which integrates factors such as Google PageRank, the ...
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Robin Good Recommends - September 1, 2004
Here is my counterpoint to the corporate blogger manifesto Robert Scoble has just published through the ChangeThis initiative. He has gotten some really good points.
But the view of the emerging grassroots, semantic Web should reflect some universal laws that seem not yet to find way ...
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Robert Scoble - August 31, 2004
Bottom-up advertising is an idea whose time has come.
The tipping point came about 3 days ago, when John Battelle finally published a short but powerful blog post entitled "Sell Side Advertising: A New Model?".
The idea had been indeed circulating for some time through a few ...
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Robin Good - August 29, 2004
The hot issue remains pretty much the same. Here is an industry, dynamic, fast growing and exciting with new tools and technologies showing up on my radar on a weekly basis now, but with no real voices, personalities and character as the audiences they are targeting ...
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Robin Good - Kolabora - August 27, 2004
"Most visitors to your website are using computers with audio capabilities. Recently introduced techniques make it easy to take advantage of this capability.
In the past, web audio was primarily decorative, consisting of musical fanfares or other clichéd sound effects. Now, you can use audio to ...
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Roger C. Parker - Woosy Info - August 26, 2004
John Blossom captures in a great article the essence of what is already happening with the emergence of very dedicated news channels and search tools.
"While major search engine indeed have changed the face of what's considered valuable content, search technology as a whole is empowering ...
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John Blossom - Shore - August 24, 2004
Blogversations is a hot and juicy next-to-be launched service that really strikes the perfect Cluetrain chord: markets are conversations. The idea is: Let bloggers write, review and comment with genuine passion while rewarding their valuable marketing effort in tangible ways.
Let bloggers discuss and contend among ...
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Robin Good - August 20, 2004
I don't know much about others, since everyone is so secretive about profits and advertising returns, but I am rather curious, and outside of Google imposing policies to its publishers and advertisers (not to disclose detailed information about their accounts) I feel I want to share ...
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Robin Good - August 16, 2004
"You might be interested in the popularity of keywords in Google for a variety of reasons -- you might be doing research on a technology, or you might be trying to optimize your page and get a sense of how many other people are using the ...
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Robin Good - ResearchBuzz - August 12, 2004
Gaining traction, exposure and visibility online is not easy. Many factors are at play, and though some superficial aspects do count more than you would think (just like in real life), what it comes down to is the credibility that your site transmits.
Credibility is not ...
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Robin Good - August 11, 2004
Ben Hunt pointed me to this article on Wired and asked with surprise if blog commerce is next up on the list. Yes, Ben, not only blog commerce is coming up next, it has already been here among us for a while. We are just not ...
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Robin Good - August 7, 2004
Real-time blogging was my yesterday experiment. I set-up to cover in real-time the live online conference "State of the E-conferencing Industry:
Today's Issues and Tomorrow's Solution" organized and presented/moderated by Stephanie Downs of ConferZone. The challenge I had posed to myself was: how do I blog a ...
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Robin Good Reports - August 6, 2004
"As search-result pages from Google and Yahoo get increasingly crowded by competing ads, programs that syndicate ads out to third-party sites may become even more attractive to online advertisers. But those services need to improve. ...
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Robin Good - August 1, 2004
Steve Outing reports of an all-commercial TV channel in Britain, the Advert Channel. "Yes, that's right, 24 hours a day of commercials, with no pesky programming to interrupt things. Of course, this would be just a crazy idea if some TV commercials weren't funny and entertaining. ...
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Robin Good - August 1, 2004
How do you measure the success of your Web site? As more and more people ask me this question, I have learned that the answer is never the same. Though there are some effective public indicators of your site success, it is evident that unless the ...
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Robin Good - July 31, 2004
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