Online Marketing - Articles Archive
from May 7, 2007 to March 8, 2007

To succeed as a recording artist or band these days it is essential to promote your music online. But breaking your way into the recording industry is far from easy. Luckily there is a service that helps you to do just that by tapping into the ...
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Michael Pick - May 7, 2007

YouTube is nothing less than an online video phenomenon and if you aren't already using it as a tool to promote yourself or your online content, you should really give it some thought. Here's why:
Having already served up over 1.73 billion video views and 45 terabytes ...
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Michael Pick - May 3, 2007

Today, blogs are one of the most effective and used online communication tools. Blogs help large and small companies communicate directly and transparently with their customers in a way that is direct as well as offering an exhaustion and confrontation pipe for topics ranging from politics ...
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Robin Good - April 27, 2007

Twitter has created quite a buzz for itself in the first quarter of this year- managing to combine the ease of Instant Messaging and SMS with the reach and scope of social networking services. So what's all the buzz about?
Essentially Twitter gives you the chance to ...
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Michael Pick - April 25, 2007

Online video continues to enjoy enormous success and is increasingly becoming a standard feature of websites and blogs. As we move towards the era of Internet TV, it gets easier and easier for everyday people to broadcast their own video shows to the world.
A new ...
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Michael Pick - April 24, 2007

"With the Internet each individual employee can participate in company matters, put in his pennyworth on everything, write to the President or correspond with an angered client, quite independently of her 'position', or the position of his 'cell' within the Company Chart.
- mashed up ...
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Robin Good - Antonio Tombolini - April 18, 2007

Online collaboration tools tend to focus on the sharing of presentations and corporate communications, leaving those working in the creative industry settling for second-best. But a new tool targeting designers, photographers, marketing creatives and even film-makers is about to change all of that.
Making it easy to ...
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Michael Pick - April 17, 2007

When it comes to sharing or monetizing Internet video, there are plenty of options, but until now enhancing and monetizing the photos on your website hasn't really been possible. However, a new free service allows you to do just that - adding monetization and a list ...
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Michael Pick - April 16, 2007

Today at RItalia we are all here inebriated by the smell of intellectual upheval...
...intoxicated by the dream that by joining together and feeling so good in seeing how many we are, we could solve just abut any problem instantly...
...flocked from all corners of Italy and ...
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Robin Good - March 31, 2007

The creation and management of rich-media is of chief importance to enterprise communications, not just in terms of effective webcasting, interactive marketing and the delivery of powerful learning content but also in the organization and monitoring of their effective use within an organization.
One-size-fits-all solutions often ...
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Michael Pick - March 29, 2007

A few days ago a passionate reader of Master New Media sent me this email asking information on how he could build his own video site online and my advice on how to monetize it.
I thought that sharing this email exchange could have been ...
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Robin Good - March 28, 2007

RSS feeds are a popular data format used for serving users frequently updated content and they offer great opportunities to publishers who are looking for alternative systems to generate revenue from their original content.
With the growing popularity of RSS feed-based syndication, many Internet publishers became ...
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Robin Good and Livia Iacolare - March 25, 2007

Intro by Robin Good
If you are into wanting to learn and understand more about what you can do to further improve the impact of your online communication strategy while adding new useful components to it, the best thing to do may be to find the ...
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Jakob Nielsen - - March 23, 2007

While social media has become the hot trend in publishing many of the properties generating social media content are not attracting headline experts into their frays. is addressing this by seeding leading figures from book publishing, music, heath and finance to post content and field ...
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John Blossom - Shore - March 22, 2007

""Crowdsourcing" is a neologism for a business model in which a company or institution takes a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsources it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call over the ...
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Robin Good - RItaliaCamp - March 21, 2007

A new social media network with RSS aggregation capabilities has arrived on the scene, promising to provide a one-stop solution for the promotion of all of your online media.
Whether you are a blogger, NewsMaster, podcaster or online video-maker a crucial part of your work is ...
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Michael Pick - March 20, 2007

There are a growing number of ways to monetize your website, whether you decide to go for contextual advertising, setting up your own online store or any of the other alternatives cropping up almost daily. One recent trend is the addition of a job board to ...
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Robin Good and Michael Pick - March 13, 2007

Social news aggregators like the popular Digg service bring all of the latest news together, and have their users vote on which items are of most interest - with top items floating up to the site front page, and those of less interest disappearing from sight. ...
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Michael Pick - March 12, 2007

The term search engine is for many of us synonymous with Google - if you're looking to quickly find something online, it usually seems like the easiest option to head on over to Google and see what you can find. But there are hundreds of search ...
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Robin Good and Michael Pick - March 9, 2007

At the end of 2006, Time magazine decided that its person of the year was "You". Yes, You. All the You's that create and rate content on heavy hitting sites such as MySpace, Wikipedia and YouTube. The reason behind this is that a shift has happened ...
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Mark McElhaw - Webcredible - March 8, 2007
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