Learning - Educational Technologies - Articles Archive
from June 4, 2004 to April 20, 2004
"In the new world of work, you are a brand.
And to stand out and prosper, you must leverage your experience, way of thinking, ideas, skills and braggables to create a perception that there is no one in the marketplace quite like you.
I call ...
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Ramon Williamson - UGMC - [via Eric Wibisono - KULT] - June 4, 2004
"The greater the need to communicate our feelings, the harder it is to do. Indeed, sharing our opinions and emotions is risky business. We minimize the risk when we move through the levels of communication incrementally.
That is, each conversation ought to begin with phatic communication ...
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Nan Peck, Northern Virginia Communication College - [via Mincius Sodas - Bala Pillai] - June 3, 2004
Small Technologies Loosely Joined is a spin-off online event at the June 2004 NMC Summer Conference. The NMC is a one-of-a-kind event, attracting an audience of highly skilled campus professionals who are very knowledgeable about and interested in the integration of emerging technologies into teaching, learning, ...
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Robin Good Recommends - June 2, 2004
"e-Learning came to forefront for taking the traditional classroom training model and applying technology advancements to create new ways to learn. However, each advancement in e-Learning has also resulted in new obstacles. This continual struggle has helped spawn some popular e-Learning myths that deserve exploration. Understanding ...
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Kimberly M. Woodward - Learning and Training Innovations - June 1, 2004
"“...it is possible to rely too heavily on experts and this approach to learning and knowledge tends to encourage passivity and receptiveness rather than inventiveness and imagination… [one objective of this essay is]… to impress on the reader what a long way one can get in ...
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Stutt and Motta - Knowledge Media Institute - The Open University - May 31, 2004
Here is an excellent annotated list of online resources devoted to cover the issues of corporate social responsibility, use of media for propaganda, media literacy, influence of corporate interestes in the media and inside education, globalization. These sites can be used to investigate or research some ...
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Robin Good Recommends - May 29, 2004
While I am looking forward to learn something about what went on at the ASTD Conference in Washington last week (no transcripts or recordings are available on the official site) let me point your attention to another interesting event, for which you don't need to travel ...
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Robin Good - e/merge 2004 - May 29, 2004
Acrobat PDF is a popular digital distribution format for documents, presentations and other multimedia content requiring faithful display across platforms, security and a more manageable file size. PDF/TextBox is an easy to use free PDF editor. It allows you to write documents quickly and easily and ...
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Robin Good Recommends - May 26, 2004
Learning objects. What are they? We hear the term often, but is the meaning clear? Perhaps you've been using them in your courses, and now you want to create some. But where to start? What issues should you consider? What promising practices should you be aware ...
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Rachel Smith - nmc - [via Stephen Downes] - May 25, 2004
"With the knowledge web, humanity's accumulated store of information will become more accessible, more manageable, and more useful. Anyone who wants to learn will be able to find the best and the most meaningful explanations of what they want to know. Anyone with something to ...
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W. Daniel Hillis - Edge The Third Culture - [via InfoDesign] - May 14, 2004
A new online service allows anyone equipped with a headset and microphone to start recording audio news, interviews, articles or commentaries and to post them with extreme ease on any weblog-based site. The new service is available since yesterday and for $ 4.95 you can immediately ...
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Robin Good - May 12, 2004
Eva Kaplan-Leiserson, Associate Editor of Learning Circuits, brings together in an excellent article the key trends underlying RSS potential in learning and education. "[RSS]...it's not the acronym that's important, it's the result: a means of driving content directly from its producer to its recipient automatically, almost ...
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Robin Good - Learning Circuits - May 12, 2004
"The message of the article is essentially that "the current market economy places a premium on innovation, new business models and new ways of organizing work." It's not the first time we've seen the phrase "adapt or die" in an article - such as this item ...
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Robin Good - May 8, 2004
"If information architecture is a fairly new field, then the practice of teaching information architecture is even newer. Often instructors are experienced information architects who have little to no teacher training, and they must teach students with a wide range of experience and learning goals. Learning ...
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Robin Good - Boxes and Arrows - May 7, 2004
ViewletPoll is a new service that makes it as easy and fun as it can get the creation, publishing and management of online polls. ViewletPoll makes the process extremely simple and straightforward, while providing an elegant and well thought-out interface for the poll manager. Results are ...
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Robin Good Recommends - May 4, 2004
Want to conduct more effective brainstorming sessions? Seeking to extract the best ideas from your team? Looking for easy to use tools that can jump-start your creative process? Innovation Tools provides entrepreneurs and innovators with a focused, growing collection of the best resources on business innovation, ...
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Robin Good - Robin Good Recommends - May 4, 2004
Jane Knight of the e-Learning Centre has put together a useful and exhaustive collection of tools and services that allow educators and trainers to design, structure and deploy effective quizzes and tests. I myself find the use of game quizzing during live workshops and seminars to ...
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Robin Good - May 2, 2004
"In the seven weeks since its launch, more than 11,000 people have downloaded the online book, “Theory and Practice of Online Learning,” Athabasca University's most recent contribution to online and distance education around the world. Edited by Drs. Terry Anderson and Fathi Elloumi, “Theory and Practice” ...
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Robin Good - Athabasca University - April 20, 2004
The message in this useful article is simple: "one needs to design an online course with an attitude that it is different from a residence course. Instead of piling on the assignments that instructors must grade and making irrational promises to answer all posts, the instructor ...
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R. Thomas Berner, DEOS News - [via Stephen Downes] - April 20, 2004
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