Intellectual Property - Articles Archive
from November 21, 2005 to May 11, 2004

"The big content owners have been determining the world's intellectual property regimes for the last few decades.
By clever lobbying at extraordinarily boring conferences, they had managed by the late 90s to commit governments, through the world trade talks, to a draconian programme of laws extending ...
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Andrew Brown - The Guardian - November 21, 2005

The issue of what is right and best to do when it comes to republish content or even just headlines coming from a public RSS feed is now spreading to the growing number of independent online publishers taking advantage of RSS powerful syndication and real-time news ...
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Sharon Housley - August 17, 2005

If we pay our state to create public works like art, music, architecture, research, is it right that these creations are then exploited for commercial uses by a restricted few?
If through the taxes that I and you pay, the government decides to commission an art ...
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Robin Good - March 16, 2005

There are many, many Italian public domain artworks, whose reproduction rights have expired or on which there are basically no copyright restrictions.
The time has come to leverage the power of the Internet to make all of these masterpieces accessible to everyone.
La Venere di Botticelli - Canali ...
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Robin Good - January 21, 2005
As reported by Slashdot contributor "timothy", Microsoft has been seeking a patent for early childhood education that focuses around the ability for a system to provide appropriate feedback to an unstructured user response.
More precisely, the Microsoft invention, is a system and method for accepting unstructured input ...
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Robin Good - via Slashdot - November 28, 2004

All of us have great ideas from time to time. Most often, those bright sparks extinguish quickly, usually because a great idea unshared is nothing more than that - a great idea.
But if you have a great idea that you'd like as many people as ...
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Robin Good - November 19, 2004
While the Creative Commons (CC) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) are doing a hell of a great job in trying to counterbalance the restrictive actions imposed and brought forward by the music and movie industries, very few young people are following or are even aware ...
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Robin Good - Wired News - November 12, 2004

The Creative Commons has just release a new revolutionary, free killer app that allows individuals to upload, CC tag and share their audio recordings to the Internet at large via the Internet Archive, while keeping some of their rights fully intact.
CC Publisher is indeed a revolutionary ...
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Robin Good - [via Joi Ito] - November 9, 2004
According to an article by eWeek dated Friday Nov. 5th 2004, Microsoft appears to be claiming intellectual property rights on over 130 Internet protocols that make up the very core of the Internet infrastructure. These protocols include for example TCP/IP and the DNS system.
The story emerged ...
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eWeek - [via Slashdot] - November 8, 2004 publisher John Rourke has written me to manifest his dismay caused by my having announced the creation of a free RSS newsfeed for the aggregated news headlines published on home page.
In a public comment to my post informing readers about the availability of these ...
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Robin Good - November 5, 2004

iPod users read this:
"If you buy into a proprietary platform where the music industry gets a veto, you're screwed.
Every time you buy an iPod, you are financing legal and technical countermeasures aimed at taking away legitimate features that enable you to do more with your ...
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Robin Good - [via Boing Boing] - November 2, 2004
"Publishers are dinosaurs running out of oxygen. Everyone seems to think that art comes from publishers, and if publishers are finding things hard, well let's all chip in (with an Internet tax) and divvy the money up among the publishers according to their output.
Forget the publishers ...
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Crosbie Fitch - September 25, 2004
Industries leaders re-iterate their well known general resistance to open standards, rightly calling into the issue of the often too slow and bureaucratic process that official standards bodies require. "What's to gain by subjecting already popular technologies to a long, sometimes painful standards process?"
There are ...
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Robin Good - - July 5, 2004
"The less conscious we become of The Commons, the less real it becomes, the less we care about it and for it, the more threatened our lives become.
As the Commons degrades, individual suffering begins to increase, but we may only see that as INDIVIDUAL suffering, ...
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Tom Atlee - June 26, 2004
Common space itself is under assault, from noise, development, and commercial importuning. Giant Coke bottles that now stand atop the storied left field wall in Boston's Fenway Park are more than an advertisement. They're a symbol of dominance - a kind that extends to virtually every ...
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Jonathan Rowe - Christian Science Monitor - June 26, 2004
If you are an online publisher you are certainly aware of issues surrounding the use of images and other copyrighted content on your Web site. Though I have long been pointing at initiatives such as the Creative Commons, Stock Exchange and a few other resources to ...
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Attorney David L. Amkraut - Robin Good - June 25, 2004
If you want to understand why copyright issues and the focus on digital rights management has created so much fuss and such a clear stand-off of end users to the future secure content distribution strategy heralded by Microsoft this is an absolute must-read. This is the ...
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Robin Good - June 19, 2004
Pressed by public opinion, the independent media and a large number of online journalists, reporters and independent thinkers, the Italian Government has finally decided to modify the draconic laws it had just passed that criminalized anyone caught with the evidence of downloaded copyrighted material from the ...
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Robin Good - June 1, 2004
Mandrakesoft, a major Linux software distributor has issued an alert through its newsletter in which it informs all its users and the software community at large about a recent clandestine attack by proprietary interests through covert adoption of EU Software Patent Legislation. In direct contravention of ...
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Robin Good - Mandrakesoft - May 18, 2004
"How might an independent thinker work on personal projects they share with others for free, while building relationships towards work for pay?" An Economy For Giving Everything Away is a 2002 proposal that describes how we can build relationships through work that we do for ourselves, ...
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Andrius Kulikauskas - Minciu Sodas - May 11, 2004
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