Information Design and Data Visualization - Articles Archive
from April 27, 2007 to July 16, 2006

Today, blogs are one of the most effective and used online communication tools. Blogs help large and small companies communicate directly and transparently with their customers in a way that is direct as well as offering an exhaustion and confrontation pipe for topics ranging from politics ...
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Robin Good - April 27, 2007

Online collaboration tools tend to focus on the sharing of presentations and corporate communications, leaving those working in the creative industry settling for second-best. But a new tool targeting designers, photographers, marketing creatives and even film-makers is about to change all of that.
Making it easy to ...
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Michael Pick - April 17, 2007

Online video annotation has just taken a giant leap forward, giving you the opportunity to add subtitles, text, animated shapes and pointers, freehand text and drawings, images, webcam video and even RSS feeds directly into your web-hosted videos.
Until now a range of online video annotation services ...
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Michael Pick - April 5, 2007

A new web-based service allowing powerful creation and easy online distribution of multimedia presentations and visual photo-albums is about to announce its official re-launch with a completely new feature-set, interface and components integration.
The all-new Scrapblog is in fact a Formula 1 racer when it comes ...
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Robin Good and Michael Pick - March 26, 2007

Open-source software is revolutionizing business, transforming governments and enabling education across the planet. Open-source is built on the principle that the source code of a program should be readily accessible, so that users have the right to maintain, adapt and improve the software they use in ...
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Robin Good - February 16, 2007

The expression "digital divide" refers to the existing gap between those who can use new digital technologies and those who can’t. This is a key issue of today’s society, since it also provokes a distinction between those who can access certain information and those who are ...
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Robin Good - January 27, 2007

Today, if you want to communicate effectively, whichever is your medium of choice, you must understand and leverage the power of visual communication.
The more you understand the logic and principles that direct effective communication the more you can leverage the fascinating new digital image ...
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Robin Good - January 24, 2007
If you want to create an electronic portfolio of creative works or a visual conundrum of images on a specific topic, to be easily integrated within an existing web page or in need to be distributed virally across as many sites as possible, Leafletter may just ...
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Robin Good and Michael Pick - January 15, 2007

Online collaboration moved from strength to strength in 2006 with a host of free and paid services that allowed for rapid web-based sharing of ideas, documents and even desktops. Until now, though, web-based collaboration has tended towards emulating the function of office applications, at the expense ...
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Michael Pick - January 2, 2007

For corporate newsmasters OPML reading lists are an excellent way of gathering and custom-distributing thematic collections of RSS Feeds within the organization.
By being able to effectively aggregate, organize, label, and provide selected access to thematic RSS feeds collections, corporate digital information librarians are now given ...
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Michael Pick - December 28, 2006

Online video is a great way to add rich content to your blog or website, whether you are keeping a personal journal or running a for-profit operation. The Google Ajax Search API is a great way of being able to customize the way you display your ...
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Michael Pick - Google Playground - December 26, 2006
Web presentation applications have really moved forward in 2006, but there are few contenders that challenge the excellent SPresent in terms of the ability to create powerful flash presentations online in a matter of minutes.
With a rich feature-set that steps up to PowerPoint and doesn't ...
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Michael Pick - December 25, 2006

At a recent gathering of CIOs, I was introduced, not as an information architect, interaction designer, or librarian, but as a futurist. I figure this affords me the latitude to make a prediction.
Next year, after the bubble bursts, we will enter the era of Information ...
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Peter Morville - Semantic Studios - December 21, 2006

Web widgets are tiny web applications that allow online publishers to easily distribute their content in a way that facilitates snappy integration by other blogs and web sites.
In this video guide to web widgets I introduce you to these easy to use, highly interactive micro-applications ...
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Michael Pick - November 27, 2006

Specify music style, mood, tempo and "age" of the music you want to listen to and Musicovery does the rest for you. Musicovery, is a new completely visual streaming web radio that allows you to precisely customize the genre and style of music you want to ...
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Robin Good - November 21, 2006
Already tired from a year's worth of Web 2.0 buzz John Markoff of The New York Times is spinning out Yet Another Meme - a "yam" known as Web 3.0.
In Markoff's eyes the new game in content is to push out concierge-like services that analyze ...
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John Blossom - Shore - November 17, 2006

If you are independent online publisher trying to make money on the web, it is likely that you may have been considering how to crank out more monetizable content without having to clone yourself.
As most experienced online marketers know, writing unique quality content is not only ...
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Robin Good - Content Artist - November 1, 2006

Want to share only a specific section of a video clip? Now you can.
Thanks to the latest feature release from online video editing and publishing service Motionbox (being released today), the syndicating, mashing-up and repurposing of online video content may gain some of the ...
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Robin Good and Michael Pick - September 13, 2006

Breakthrough in digital imaging and virtual 3D computer vision.
Researchers of Carnegie Mellon University and at Microsoft Live Labs have managed to uncover new ways to create navigable 3D visual spaces from the intelligent analysis of original 2D digital images.
Here a composite image, showing a ...
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Robin Good - August 2, 2006

Social media network that enables musicians and video artists to sell their music and videos
Earn money from your website or blog, by selling books, DVDs, and CDs that you personally select
Web-based service that enables you to create your personal online portfolio
Upload files and either share ...
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Livia Iacolare and Robin Good - July 16, 2006
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