Information Access - Articles Archive
from July 27, 2006 to March 28, 2006
Changing other people's minds, launching small and large Calls To Action, influencing and persuading others, providing insightful tools and pointers to facilitate self-discovery and personal understanding: these are the most powerful applications that individuals, small online publishers and passionate researchers can make of blogs today.
Helping ...
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Robin Good and John Blossom - Shore - July 27, 2006
It is becoming progressively easier for many users to get precisely what they want by designing it for themselves.
Users that innovate can develop exactly what they want, rather than relying on manufacturers to act as their (often very imperfect ) agents. Moreover, individual users do ...
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Eric Von Hippel - Democratizing Innovation - July 22, 2006
Our ability to safely live on this planet is what is at stake.
Celebrated by independent film critics, communication gurus and environmental researchers and activists everywhere, this inspiring new full-featured documentary, which has opened two-weeks ago in selected theaters in North America, dramatically highlights the very delicate ...
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Robin Good - July 10, 2006
The US vs. John Lennon is a new provocative feature movie to be shown in commercial theaters starting this coming September. The movie reports John Lennon's transformation from a beloved popular musical artist, member of one of the most popular pop bands of those times (The ...
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Robin Good - July 7, 2006
Converting Statistical Data Into Beautiful Animated Story-Telling Charts: Hans Rosling From TED 2006
We need to "see" through information.
Visual imagery can tell stories and truths which would be very hard to capture and communicate otherwise. While we need to badly see how the world is changing from a comprehensive and ...
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Hans Rosling - TED Conference 2006 - Ted Talks - July 1, 2006
"Further throttles and controls on Web content distribution based on arbitrary fee schedules are absolutely unnecessary and an impediment to the effective growth of online content ecommerce.
There's much for publishers and marketers to gain by keeping the Internet a neutral stage.
The time to speak ...
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John Blossom - Wired News - COA News remixed by Robin Good - Shore - June 29, 2006
The media is a fully-integrated part of the state power-structure. In its practical application, it is more valuable than the military. There are definite drawbacks to using force, whereas, propaganda and public relations tend to be less disruptive to the normal flow of business.
The media's ...
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Mike Whitney - June 26, 2006
The imminent demise of the US dollar as the kingpin of economic transactions world wide is predicted by several commentators. Johnny 'Silver Bear' comments that the Federal Reserve has kept the printing presses rolling too liberally for too long and he continues: "The Fed has lost ...
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Silvano Borruso and Sepp Hasslberger - - June 19, 2006
Income tax a fraud? Aaron Russo is the music and show business entrepreneur who has stepped out and produced a radical movie called "America: From Freedom to Fascism" which has received standing ovations in theatres from all around the country during its preview period.
Aaron ...
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Aaron Russo - Regina and Scott Meredith - June 19, 2006
The great naturalist E.O. Wilson of Harvard University reports we are in the midst of a spasm of extinction that is reducing the number of species on earth to the lowest level since the cataclysmic end of the Age of Dinosaurs 65 million years ago. While ...
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Michael Lerner - Commonweal - June 5, 2006
"Why is news media yet unable to effectively understand how to best integrate user-generated content into their key online and offline publications?"
Greg Sandoval at CNET News has a great summary of the relative non-progress of newspapers in adopting weblogs effectively.
While deals such as the recently ...
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John Blossom - Shore - June 2, 2006
Nearly three weeks ago, Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadi-Nejad wrote an official public letter to American President George W. Bush manifesting his views on the world situation and on how the key issues and problems the planet is dealing with should be dealt with.
Outside of the reported ...
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Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad - President of Islamic Republic of Iran - May 29, 2006
In the background of the political joust about Iran, a few countries are reshaping the world. They are taking possession of the global nuclear fuel market. New IAEA regulations should keep newcomers away.
The US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, China and Japan will become world's nuclear ...
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Rudo de Ruijter - May 8, 2006
"This past month, on April 5, the House Telecom Subcommittee approved by 27-4 vote legislation allowing telephone companies into the cable business on a national franchise basis. The bill also allows the Federal Communications Commission to enforce its net neutrality principles. The bill was amended to ...
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Alex Curtis - Public Knowledge - May 1, 2006
A low-potency, low-dose, synthetic version of Vitamin D costs over $200 US in Germany, right now.
Just wait till you see what Codex does over in the US!
"Codex Alimentarius will be seen by future generations as the greatest threat to the basic human right ...
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Dee Nicholson - Stop Codex Alliance - May 1, 2006
Our society has become both socially and economically dependent, in just one short decade, upon a technology that is doing tremendous damage to the fabric of our world.
The more entrenched we let ourselves become in it, the more difficult it will become to change our ...
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Sepp Hasslberger - Arthur Firstenberg - Health Supreme - April 24, 2006
"Disease mongering exploits the deepest atavistic fears of suffering and death. It is in the interests of pharmaceutical companies to extend the range of the abnormal so that the market for treatments is proportionately enlarged."
Iona Heath, General Practitioner at the Caversham Practice in London
Prevention is conspicuously ...
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Sepp Hasslberger - Health Supreme - April 17, 2006
We live in a time of great school crisis. Our children rank at the bottom of nineteen industrial nations in reading, writing and arithmetic. At the very bottom. The world's narcotic economy is based upon our own consumption of the commodity, if we didn't buy so ...
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John Taylor Gatto - John Taylor Gatto - April 3, 2006
Digital content is not only the latest hip song or your newly released blockbuster movie in digital format. Digital content, whether your government has helped you realize this or not, is also the vast, immense amount of historical, artistic and cultural works that is gradually findings ...
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Robin Good and the people of the web - Manifesto delle Libertà Digitali - March 28, 2006
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