Content Delivery And Distribution - Articles Archive
from March 11, 2009 to January 1, 2009

How do you increase dramatically the number of users in your community? Building an online community is not as easy as it seems, but Matt Mullenweg, founding developer of WordPress, has some specific advice on how to effectively start-up your online community.
People love to be part ...
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Matt Mullenweg - BayCHI - March 11, 2009

Looking for a free service to host your first blog site? Doubtful about which hosted blogging service to choose? If you are still not ready to code and configure your blog by yourself or do not have the budget to hire a webmaster, a free hosted ...
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Robin Good - March 9, 2009

Traditional media publishers have no clue as to how they are going to make revenues from online distribution and many of them, are quickly drying up their last reserves. As a matter of fact, as content media expert John Blossom reports in this article, many potential ...
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John Blossom - Shore - February 25, 2009

How can you create something so interesting that people will want to share it? Viral marketing strategy may help you find the answer to this one.
Viral marketing is a marketing approach allowing a message to seemingly self-propel itself rapidly to an ever growing number of people, ...
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Robin Good - February 16, 2009

Making sense of complex products, services, and ideas by using visuals and easy to understand story-lines is going to be a blooming business for many years to come.
Explaining difficult ideas, or complex new technologies to non-technical people is going to be a professional activity by ...
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Robin Good - February 11, 2009

Are you tired of giving away your personal e-mail address to those sites you know you'll visit only once? In this mini-guide you can find a way to create anonymous, temporary e-mail inboxes that expire right after you used them, helping you avoid letting your private ...
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Daniele Bazzano - February 9, 2009

If you're an online web publisher looking for some basic tips on how-to to produce your first Web-TV show, here is real world situation from which to grab some good advice.
Producing a web tv show may appear to be pretty simple. You just grab your ...
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Daniele Bazzano - February 5, 2009

Which camcorder is best when it comes to making videos for the web? What can you expect from the latest generation of digital camcorders that record on microscopic hard disks or on high-capacity SD memory cards? How good is the quality after you upload their videos ...
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Daniele Bazzano - February 2, 2009

Blogstar is a simple idea born out of the traditional Monopoly board game and turned into a cool viral vehicle of buzz marketing. The rules are slightly different than a normal Monopoly game. In Blogstar, instead of earning money and buying properties to win, you can ...
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Daniele Bazzano - January 30, 2009

Media literacy encourages people to ask questions about what they watch, see, and read, as to provide you with the tools to evaluate, analyze, consume and create credible, trusted, verifiable information.
In Part 2 (Part 1) of this in-depth guide, new media journalism researcher and ...
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Dan Gillmor - Dan Gillmor: Blog - January 29, 2009

Do you buy into everything you read, or do you analyze, research, and question what you learn? Are you willing to start reconsidering the way you read and select your trusted news sources? Is a new media literacy really needed?
You live in the era of information ...
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Dan Gillmor - Dan Gillmor: Blog - January 28, 2009

Do you want to understand the metrics, mechanics, and levers of engagement required for effective viral customer acquisition?
Many viral marketing approaches have been used over the years, but while they were able to capture large numbers of users, they proved ineffective because they failed to ...
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Eric Ries - Lessons Learned - January 26, 2009

How do you market an independent film / DVD online? Fascinated by a direct email invitation to watch the full version of a new independent full-length self-help movie entitled "The Wheel of Life" (remember "The Secret"? The typology of movie is the same) I have promptly ...
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Daniele Bazzano - January 23, 2009

How do you go about distributing your videos online in an effective fashion? How do you choose the right keywords to title your clips? If you are just starting up with online video marketing, these are probably some of your most pressing concerns.
In this second ...
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Daniele Bazzano - January 15, 2009

ScreenToaster is a new screencasting web-based service which provides high-quality screen video recordings ready for immediate web publication. ScreenToaster works on Macs, PCs and Linux computers and requires no software to downloaded or installed on your end. To me this looks like the best and most ...
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Robin Good - January 14, 2009

In this article you'll find more than 30 cool WordPress plugins to customize and tweak the performances of your blog site. Do you want more SEO control, embed videos, or track your RSS feed subscribers? Here's some good stuff for you.
There are many blogging platform out ...
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Daniele Bazzano - January 12, 2009

Should news content be the result of the aggregating and selecting from many and varied sources or the word coming from one single perspective? John Blossom analyzes the future of newspapers and openly asks some hard questions in this fascinating and scary article.
What do you say? ...
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John Blossom - Shore - January 9, 2009

If you are struggling to understand the fundamentals of online video publishing, as well as how to use videos to do marketing, this video article with Lasse Rouhiainen gives you some good basic information on how to get started.
Lasse Rouhiainen is a passionate YouTube video publisher ...
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Robin Good - January 8, 2009

Coordinating assignments and collaborating effectively on your projects can be a huge pain without the right tool. You need to have an efficient way to communicate, share notes, share documents, share files, and more in order to work together effectively and maximize productivity.
Here for you ...
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Andre Deutmeyer - January 4, 2009

Here is Part 2 of my New Media Trends and Predictions for 2009. In this report I look at major trends while I try to anticipate key changes and the type of innovation taking place around the world of new media communication and professional web publishing.
While ...
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Robin Good - January 1, 2009
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