Content Delivery And Distribution - Articles Archive
from December 7, 2009 to August 3, 2009

Do you need to send very large files to someone else but don't know how to go about it? Stop searching: in this MasterNewMedia guide you will find the best tools and services to transfer, send and exchange files of any size with your Internet co-workers ...
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Daniele Bazzano - December 7, 2009

P2P and The Social Cloud is a two-part white paper which discusses some of the limitations of the current economic system, in particular its dependence on non-renewable resources to sustain infinite growth. It also suggests considering the opportunity to move to a sustainable economy based on ...
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Rafael Pezzi - Social Cloud - December 2, 2009

Social networking services available on the web are based upon proprietary software which have the ultimate purpose of advertisement-driven profit which implicitly demands tracking user activities. On the other hand, in order to allow people's collective intelligence to fully develop by means of their self-organized social ...
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Rafael Pezzi - Social Cloud - November 26, 2009

Looking for a way to convert your PowerPoint presentations to video clips? Want to share your presentations with a broader audience, including those who do not have a copy of PowerPoint installed? Your search is over: in this MasterNewMedia guide you can find all of ...
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Daniele Bazzano - November 16, 2009

What are the current eBooks marketing trends? Why are content publishers still seeking how to effectively integrate eBooks into their sales strategy?
In this article, content and media expert John Blossom, tries to outline a strategy for content producers that want to leverage the potential ...
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John Blossom - Shore - November 13, 2009

"The Internet makes it possible to communicate directly with those once known as recipients - readers, listeners and viewers - and to take advantage of their knowledge. Not the journalists who know it all are in demand, but those who communicate and investigate."
What is the future ...
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Various Authors - Internet Manifesto - November 11, 2009

Did you know Facebook is a great tool for your business? Is your company utilizing the new features of Facebook Fan Pages to do social media marketing? If you are not yet leveraging the power of social media to boost your sales or engaging your customers, ...
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The Advance Guard - The Advance Guard - November 4, 2009

Which are the critical skills needed for today online successful journalists? What do you need to know and do to compete with bloggers and independent reporters springing up all around you?
Right now, at the end of 2009, newspapers are buzzing around a report by the ...
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Zachary M. Seward - Nieman Journalism Lab - October 28, 2009

What are the key trends impacting the fast moving world of online video advertising? What should professional web publishers expect when it comes to monetizing their online video assets?
In this exclusive video interview with Jeremy Allaire, CEO of Brightcove, Robin Good attempts to find out ...
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Robin Good - October 21, 2009

What is the future of music? A recent report quoted by the RIIA, says that "global music piracy causes $12.5 billion of economic losses every year". How can the music business change to survive?
In the future of music there will be no CDs or MP3s. Music ...
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Robin Good - October 16, 2009

What is the difference between uploading your video to typical video-sharing sites like YouTube or using instead one of the paid white-label video distribution services springing up here and there?
Free video-sharing sites like YouTube, Viddler, DailyMotion and others have the advantage to be a no-brainer for ...
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Robin Good - October 14, 2009

Do you need to convert your files to PDF? Are you looking for a free online solution to produce PDF documents wherever you are? Struggle no more. In this MasterNewMedia guide you can find the best free PDF conversion tools on the web.
Online PDF conversion ...
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Daniele Bazzano - October 12, 2009

Are you looking for a place to upload and share your PowerPoint presentations? Do you need partners and customers to see your latest idea without sending tons of e-mails? Are you trying to find out how to embed your PowerPoint presentation on your web site?
Slide sharing ...
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Daniele Bazzano - September 22, 2009

Most web publishers and online media companies view mobile applications as little more than Compuserve-like kiosks from which they can serve slightly jazzed-up versions of their web page content. But is that the best perspective from which to look at the future of content and apps ...
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John Blossom - Shore - September 18, 2009

What is licensed content syndication? What are the key misconceptions of this content distribution and online marketing approach? Is licensed syndication profitable? Do you retain rights on your content? What are the key benefits?
In this licensed content syndication guide, you can learn more about how licensed ...
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Larry Schwartz and Susan Gunelius - Newstex - September 16, 2009

Online syndication allows web publishers to distribute their content to multiple audiences, networks, as well as to traditional media outlets and to their online counterparts. In an age where content is increasingly in contexts different than the original source, understanding professional syndication options and their pro ...
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Larry Schwartz and Susan Gunelius - Newstex - September 10, 2009

Multimedia animated slideshow creators are web-based services which allow you to remix pictures, photos, video clips and music to create visually impactful showcases, slideshows or just memories of a great holiday. In this guide I have selected and reviewed the best multimedia remixing tools available out ...
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Robin Good - August 31, 2009

The reason for which I started MasterNewMedia was to help others take greater control of their lives. I wanted to be meaningful to others by helping them discover how to effectively leverage the uniquely powerful communication opportunities offered by the Internet.
In full honesty, I really ...
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Robin Good - August 26, 2009

How important is going to be the role of the "newsmaster" in the future? Is this network middle layer of human filterers and scanners actually emerging? What about serious business talk: Could the newsmastering practice ever become a professionally sustainable role? And what is its value? ...
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Robin Good - August 13, 2009

Online content distribution services allow you to syndicate your content to other web publishers while improving your prestige, visibility and in some cases, even your end-of-month revenue. In fact, such content redistribution partners can be major publishing giants like USA Today, The New York Times, The ...
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Robin Good - August 3, 2009
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