Content Delivery And Distribution - Articles Archive
from December 13, 2006 to November 10, 2006

One question we're often asked is which method is best: usability testing or expert usability reviews? Well, if they were sports cars, expert usability reviews might be a Porsche (pretty decent car and better than no car at all), but usability testing would be in a ...
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Robin Good - December 13, 2006

Looking for how to create your own video channel online or for how to access your favourite video clips through your mobile phone? Want to know how to reach all of the major instant messaging networks from your mobile phone? Here is Robin Good's weekly collection ...
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Robin Good - December 10, 2006

A blog is constantly evolving, growing and developing. Bloggers are looking for new and better software, exciting and innovative information to post and for new links to increase their presence on search engines. As we have reported in the first part of this research, the bloggers ...
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Robin Good - December 6, 2006

Want to share your screen instantly to somebody else, no matter what computer you or him are using? Now you can: a new real-time screen-sharing solution allows anyone to live share the contents of his screen with anyone else.
No software to download, no setup or ...
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Robin Good - December 5, 2006

Online video, or what we are increasingly referring to as Internet television, can't be really appreciated unless there are tools that simplify, facilitate and enrich the process of searching, playing, sharing and publishing online video content.
The new Democracy video platform, a free, open-source tool which ...
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Michael Pick - December 4, 2006

Looking for how to send SMS messages to your group of contacts at once or access all major instant messaging networks from one single web page with no need to install any software? Needing to communicate more effectively without having a big budget? Here is Robin ...
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Livia Iacolare and Robin Good - December 3, 2006

Both podcasting and file-sharing services have become key significant driving forces in the overall new media scenario which is transforming the web.
With the development and advance of recent technologies such as wikis, blogs, podcasting and file sharing this model is challenged and community-driven services are gaining ...
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Josef Kolbitsch and Hermann Maurer - Journal of Universal Computer Science - November 30, 2006

As major media consolidation deals bring more and more publishing houses into private hands, the challenges of converting these properties that can respond to the needs of niche markets are becoming more acute.
Combining infrastructure and staffs cannot be the only factor leading to more success ...
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John Blossom - Shore - November 29, 2006

Blogs will make or break your business. They have the power to disseminate information and host global conversations on any topic. Every publication from Business Week, Forbes, and the Wall Street Journal to online white papers from Marqui warns businesses that blogging is not an optional ...
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Nora Ganim Barnes - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth - Center for Marketing Research - November 28, 2006

Web widgets are tiny web applications that allow online publishers to easily distribute their content in a way that facilitates snappy integration by other blogs and web sites.
In this video guide to web widgets I introduce you to these easy to use, highly interactive micro-applications ...
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Michael Pick - November 27, 2006

Where can you publish your video clips online? This mini-guide of online video sharing sites should give you a good reference to find your preferred online video publishing outlet.
Online video sharing sites allow anyone connected to the web to easily upload digital video recordings so ...
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Robin Good and Michael Pick - November 25, 2006

Nonetheless the Creative Commons organization and its innovative and open content licensing approach have now been around for more than a few years, there are still a great number of would-be independent publishers, authors, and artists that while wanting to make best of the new opportunities ...
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Robin Good - November 24, 2006

Wikipedia and WikiNews are two of the most prominent examples of successful and widely used collaborative web editing tools. Both, among others, highlight some of the key transformation elements of the new emerging web.
With the development and advance of recent technologies such as wikis, blogs, podcasting ...
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Josef Kolbitsch and Hermann Maurer - Journal of Universal Computer Science - November 23, 2006

Most often, when people are asked to describe the current media landscape, they respond by making an inventory of tools and technologies. Our focus should be not on emerging technologies but on emerging cultural practices. Rather than listing tools, we need to understand the underlying logic ...
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Henry Jenkins - Henry Jenkins' Blog - November 22, 2006
Already tired from a year's worth of Web 2.0 buzz John Markoff of The New York Times is spinning out Yet Another Meme - a "yam" known as Web 3.0.
In Markoff's eyes the new game in content is to push out concierge-like services that analyze ...
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John Blossom - Shore - November 17, 2006

Score music for video and film without writing a note: New soundtrack creator service helps you design your own custom music library with maximum ease - - Review and Video Intro
Searching through a music library for hours on end can be a chore, when you ...
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Michael Pick - November 15, 2006

Online video pays itself. The opportunities to monetize online video are rapidly increasing. You need not find anymore a distribution house to make your video- or film-making passion pay back for your hard work.
2006 has been the internet's year of video, and as independent video publishing ...
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Michael Pick - November 13, 2006

Looking for the latest new media tools, web 2.0 services or for just-released new independent publishing software? Searching for how to distribute content online? Needing to communicate more effectively without having a big budget? Here is Robin Good's weekly collection of the best new media ...
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Livia Iacolare and Robin Good - November 12, 2006

Wikis, and similar collaborative web editing tools mark a major element of transformation of the new Web emerging today.
To date, one of the main aims of the World Wide Web has been to provide users with information. In addition to private homepages, large professional information providers, ...
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Josef Kolbitsch and Hermann Maurer - Journal of Universal Computer Science - November 11, 2006

James Cameron (1911-1985), arguably the greatest British journalist of the last 100 years, always insisted that journalism is a craft. Now "craft" implies pride in work, integrity in dealing with customers, rites of passage, and long years of training to acquire the requisite skills/knowledge.
But that was ...
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Milverton Wallace - Club of Amsterdam - November 10, 2006
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