Content Delivery And Distribution - Articles Archive
from December 1, 2010 to April 12, 2010

What is the real value of curated content? Does it live in the content itself or does it live in the context, in the curation of the content - the commentary, the opinion pieces, the conversations that the content itself generates?
In these two short video interviews ...
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Robin Good - December 1, 2010

What are the business opportunities for real-time news and content curation? Are there key business drivers that companies can leverage to build new added-value content services? What are the major trends that will be driving the content curation marketplace? How will newspaper and magazines take advantage ...
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Robin Good - October 20, 2010

What tools do I need to do "content curation"? Do I need a different technology if I want to curate the news and not the rest? How about if I want to curate only video clips. Is there something just for that? How many "curation" tools ...
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Robin Good - October 13, 2010

What skills do I need to have if I want to be an effective real-time news curator? Can I just pick the best headlines and links on my topic of interest or do I need to do know / do more? What makes a great news ...
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Robin Good - October 6, 2010

What are the tasks involved in the real-time news curation process? What does exactly a news curator do?
In Part 1 of this Curation Guide I have explained the reasons why news curation has become a necessity. Part 2 was devoted to explain the difference ...
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Robin Good - September 29, 2010

What's more important? To save editors time and abilities in finding and reporting the most relevant stories so that they can dwell more on content production, or to leverage to-the-max the power of new media technologies such as automated aggregators, search engines, or social analysis tools, ...
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Robin Good - September 22, 2010

We are no longer just consumers of content, we have become curators of it too. In Part 1 of this Guide I have introduced why we really need real-time news curation and what is the basic idea behind it (Part 1 - Real-Time News Curation, Newsmastering ...
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Robin Good - September 15, 2010

The time it takes to follow and go through multiple web sites and blogs takes tangible time, and since most sources publish or give coverage to more than one topic, one gets to browse and scan through lots of useless content just for the sake of ...
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Robin Good - September 7, 2010

Where can you find royalty free music? As you probably know, it is illegal to use copyrighted commercial music when publishing video clips online. For example, YouTube has developed a copyright-protection system that immediately detects unlicensed uses of copyrighted music tracks inside videos published online and ...
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Daniele Bazzano - August 31, 2010

What does it take for open business models to become an economy of the Commons? What are the pros and cons of a system based on peer production? How do open business models compare with the traditional economic system based on intellectual property and copyright?
I have ...
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Robin Good - August 19, 2010

Video encoding is the science of codifying the bits of data that make up a digital video recording into a unified whole according to a set of specific standards and parameters. If it sounds techy, it should. In simpler words, video encoding is the process of ...
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Robin Good, Daniele Bazzano and Elia Lombardi - August 16, 2010

"How do I mobilize my website?" is probably a question you have already started asking. But after the initial curiosity, you have not found yet the time to think seriously about when and how you are going to convert your web site or blog into a ...
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Robin Good and Daniele Bazzano - July 26, 2010

Did you know that if you already have a personal profile Facebook page and want to create another one for your company you can't? Businesses on Facebook are supposed to have a Fan Page, not a Personal Page! Yeah, and it is official: go check out ...
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Robin Good, Daniele Bazzano and Elia Lombardi - July 19, 2010

What is viral marketing? What are the characteristics of an effective viral marketing campaign? What does it take to produce content that flies on the wings of spontaneous word-of-mouth promotion? In this MasterNewMedia guide on viral marketing you can learn and understand the basic principles, foundations ...
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Robin Good, Daniele Bazzano and Elia Lombardi - July 13, 2010

If you haven’t heard the news lately, a new technology war has seen the light, and this time the two main fighters are Apple and Adobe, owner of the almost ubiquitous Flash playback video technology used across the web to play video clips. The key argument ...
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Enrique Serrano - - May 27, 2010

A new type of web content war has just begun. On one side "apps", like those you can download on your iPhone, which deliver enhanced web content and specific tools / services, and on the other, search engines, still the preferred venue to discover information, news ...
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John Blossom - Shore - May 21, 2010

Self-publishing your online course as a book may be a great way to distribute a valuable piece of content you have to a broader audience. But can you just print your online course, choose a nice cover artwork and start selling your book? As you might ...
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Heather Hedden - eLearn Magazine - May 19, 2010

Which are the top content distribution strategies for an online publisher? In this in-depth report authored by new media and future trends analyst Ross Dawson, you can find a thorough analysis of the present online content distribution paradigm as well as a set of useful guidelines ...
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Ross Dawson - Ross Dawson Blog - May 13, 2010

During my stay at the International Journalism Festival, which took place in Perugia, Italy, last week, I ran into Donatella Della Ratta of Creative Commons who I had not seen in ages. She was very kind and shared with me a story, which I found immediately ...
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Robin Good - April 28, 2010

Private label video publishing services allow professional web publishers to move beyond zero-cost video sharing sites like YouTube and onto video distribution services which guarantee faster transcoding, HD video quality, the option to schedule both VOD and scheduled programming, CDN-based distribution, ad management and integration as ...
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Robin Good - April 12, 2010
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