Content Delivery And Distribution - Articles Archive
from July 11, 2007 to June 8, 2007

The Future of Media Report for 2007 just went a live a second ago in PDF format, a little less than a week away from the Silicon Valley and Sydney based Future of Media Summit. This article provides an overview of the key concepts, issues and ...
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Michael Pick and Robin Good - Future Exploration Network - Future of Media - July 11, 2007

To upload your video clips to multiple video sharing sites has been the ultimate dream of many independent online publishers, as the exposure and visibility provided by posting unique, quality clips is among the most effective new ways to draw traffic up for most any a ...
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Michael Pick - July 10, 2007

Online Video Advertising is rapidly evolving, with a number of services stepping up to the challenge. But until now the approach has largely been based on a cost-per-mille (CPM) payment model. However, a new contender looks set to buck the trend.
LiveRail is a brand new ...
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Michael Pick - July 9, 2007

Did you ever want to record videos and publish them online right away, but then you realized you didn’t have the right tools to do it? Have you ever felt like recording a video wishing you didn’t have to plug in your sophisticated camcorder? Then you ...
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Livia Iacolare - July 8, 2007

An evolving historic technological revolution is under way, which is creating new industries, new products, new services and, unmercifully redefining or even destroying others. It is more powerful, with greater reach and is growing faster than any other media-ecology.
It is the grass roots of the ...
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Alan Moore - SMLXL - July 6, 2007

As anyone can undoubtedly see happening, community building is one of the most critical activities a publisher of social software tools needs to pay attention to in order to establish its technology and have word of mouth do its marketing job.
But what are the ...
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Joshua Porter - Bokardo - July 5, 2007

Mobile instant messaging tools have evolved rapidly in the first half of this year into always-on micro-blogging applications. But while Twitter might let you tell the world what you're doing, Jaiku goes a step further by serving as a mobile RSS aggregator.
Creating an online presence and ...
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Michael Pick - July 4, 2007

Internet video production done well draws on an entirely different set of skills and strategies to the traditional mass media process. Carving out a presence for your video channel or vlog takes a good understanding of web 2.0 tactics. has risen to great success using ...
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Michael Pick - July 3, 2007

Content aggregation is about to get even easier with the launch of a new service that lets you to drag-and-drop content from any website - or even your desktop - to create your own customized web pages. Get ready to remix the web.
Content aggregation and the ...
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Michael Pick - July 2, 2007

Do you need a software solution that reads in spoken words the text of your emails or your just finished new contract? Would you like to have your computer read out loud any text document you open on your screen (including web pages, emails and documents)? ...
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Livia Iacolare - July 1, 2007

With no financial support, no ad-venture capitalists behind and no injection of new cash, the Robin Good's micro network of information web sites launches yet another international edition of its flagship daily new media online magazine all devoted to readers of Brazil and Portugal, and to ...
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Robin Good - June 28, 2007

If you want to significantly improve the accessibility of your content while providing an easy way for your readers to scan your information rapidly, you probably need to stop and rethink about your approach to formatting text-based content online.
Making your content scannable is one of the ...
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Robin Good - June 27, 2007

Online social networking services have been around for some time now, with MySpace, Bebo and Facebook leading the pack. One of these contenders, however, has just stepped the whole game up a level, effectively becoming a disruptive technology.
Not so very long ago Facebook was one popular ...
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Michael Pick - June 26, 2007

Preparing a public PowerPoint presentation can be sometimes one of the most challenging activities. The fear and feeling of not being quite up to snuff grows thicker as presentation day gets closer and as your PowerPoint deck grows bigger.
Unfortunately there is often an inversely proportional ...
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Livia Iacolare, Robin Good, Michael Pick, TJ Walker - MasterViews - June 22, 2007
Less than a month ago a selected number of new European web 2.0 startups where chosen in Bilbao, Spain to showcase and compete among themselves to win a special award. These web 2.0 companies were representing some of the coolest ideas and most innovative web-based projects ...
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Michael Pick - June 20, 2007

A live, grassroots video streaming channel broadcasting media and technology news from all corners of the planet. One city / commentator at the break of very hour. This is my vision for the Robin Good TV channel I want to officially launch in the coming days ...
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Robin Good - June 14, 2007

If you want to remix and mashup your own media with licensed content from top branded sources, and monetize the resulting rich-media presentations, you need look no further.
Personal media remixing and publishing tools are hot stuff at the moment, with tools like the recently reviewed ...
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Michael Pick - June 12, 2007

Internet TV is transforming from a medium of grainy, amateur video and into one more closely mirroring the full-screen television experience, at least from the technical and usability aspects: easy to turn on, pre-set channels playing at all times, full screen experience.
One contender, stepping up ...
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Michael Pick - June 11, 2007

Live video streaming technology and the services providing the means to create, broadcast and maintain your own online television station online are making giant steps as Flash technology, infinite bandwidth and broadband adoption pave the highway to this new revolution in the making.
Less than two ...
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Robin Good - June 10, 2007

Social software is a concept that groups all those web-based means of interaction (blogs, wikis, instant messengers) that enable collaboration while emphasizing the importance of humans over the tools they use to communicate.
In the first excerpt from the extensive research done by the Australian ...
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Val Evans - Australian Flexible Learning Framework - June 8, 2007
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