Content Delivery And Distribution - Articles Archive
from October 22, 2007 to August 26, 2007

Personalized search is gaining in popularity, as information overload reaches a critical mass. Lijit takes this to the next level, allowing your site visitors to search across the variety of social networking platforms for your content, compounding your position as a trusted source of information.
It would ...
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Michael Pick - October 22, 2007

Are online media publishing industries set for another financial burst? Is the unstoppable amount of investments in online media ventures indicating economic trouble ahead? Or are you looking at something very different from what happened back in 2000?
In the following business and "content media" analysis, analyst ...
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John Blossom - Shore - October 18, 2007

Video upload services are already starting to multiply, and there are now plenty of ways to get your videos onto a number of hosting services without having to send the data to each one individually. A brand new service combines this feature with the ability to ...
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Michael Pick - October 16, 2007

As music sells increasingly more through concerts than through CDs, content superstars, like Madonna and the Rolling Stones, show that serious revenues can be built around events, without music publishers, record companies or labels and without the need to push pricey locked CDs to your own ...
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John Blossom - Shore - October 14, 2007

E-books, are they coming or not? Eight months ago, contaminated by the insight and enthusiasm of Antonio Tombolini, the Italian e-book pioneer, I had given in-depth coverage to this little talked about technology that is slowly but steadily improving its capabilities.
Apparently unnoticed by most, ebooks ...
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John Blossom - Shore - October 10, 2007

Most everyone interested in live video streaming has asked me at one point or another whether Mogulus is better than Ustream and what I would recommend using.
For those of you unfamiliar with the above two web-based services, they are two of the most interesting live ...
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Robin Good - October 8, 2007

More and more mobile phones users are browsing and searching the Internet on their handsets. But are you doing anything to make your blog or news site usable for these loyal readers when they are on the move?
In some European countries, for example, mobile phones penetration ...
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Abid Warsi - WebCredible - October 3, 2007

Online video editing capabilities continue to improve, and it is now relatively simple to remix your clips online. Kaltura, however, attempts to turn web video editing into a social activity, and does a good job of it.
Ever since the release of JumpCut and Eyespot last year ...
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Michael Pick - October 2, 2007

I have now been using wikis for over four years, and frankly I couldn't do without them anymore. Their ability to facilitate my frequent needs to create shared workspaces in which I can easily add, edit and upload information and files of all kinds makes them ...
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Lee and Sachi Lefever - CommonCraft - September 30, 2007

How are US citizens consuming media and what do they want from it? Deloitte’s Media & Entertainment has published the results of its first comprehensive media consumption survey, providing a generational “reality check” on how American consumers between 13 and 75 years of age are using ...
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Deloitte & Touche - Deloitte & Touche USA - September 28, 2007

Is it better to optimize your web site for page views or for user experience? This is the question that more and more online publishers are asking themselves as advertising agencies and the buzz around new metrics hint at the need to look in new directions ...
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Joshua Porter - Bokardo - September 27, 2007

A free web-based personal video recorder (PVR) allows the scheduled recording of Italian mainstream on-air network channels which can then be easily downloaded to your iPod or iPhone. The unique service which is purely in experimental "beta" mode and has no commercial ambitions, provides a truly ...
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Robin Good - September 24, 2007
Google just launched Google Gadget Ads, basically, some highly customizable mini-sites in a box, that offer lots of possible applications, interactivity, animation, video and that exist to run as ads on AdSense publisher websites. Here's one:
Google Gadgets Ads are indeed micro web entities created by ...
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Robin Good - September 20, 2007

If you are looking for an easy way to share and collaborate on documents with other people in your team, Google Docs is one of the most interesting web-based alternatives to a Microsoft Office suite with the integrated, built-in ability to make document collaboration a breeze.
Google ...
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Lee Lefever - CommonCraft - September 19, 2007
"Maybe more than any other type of document, presentations are created to be shared. But assembling slide decks by emailing them around is as frustrating as it is time-consuming. The new presentations feature of Google Docs helps you to easily organize, share, present, and collaborate on ...
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Robin Good - September 18, 2007

"Internet advertising revenues in the US set a new record of $16.9 billion in 2006, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau/PricewaterhouseCoopers Internet Advertising Revenue Report. That’s a 35% gain over 2005, and the growth has continued this year: It hit another record of $4.9 billion for ...
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Robin Good - Marketing Sherpa - September 11, 2007

"Alternative world video news you won't likely see on your mainstream network TV channels." Yes, today, I am officially launching the new RGTV News, a non-commercial non-mainstream video news channel covering international news that don't get coverage on your typical network TV channels.
As in the metaphorical ...
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Robin Good - September 10, 2007

Screencasting, the live screen-capture of you demonstrating a software or new application is increasingly the solution of choice when it comes to showcase, demonstrate, explain.
A few hours ago Marshall Kirkpatrick of Splashcast twittered:
"my ? is:
what r some good methods 4 turning huge ...
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Robin Good - September 2, 2007
Conversational marketing and contextual advertising: these are the key trends to keep following if you are seeking to make more of your online publishing efforts. Or at least, this is how content media business expert John Blossom keeps seeing the future business of online publishing going ...
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John Blossom - Shore - August 30, 2007

The online video advertising industry is expected to grow to to $2.9 billion by 2010 and to reach $4.3 billion in 2011 (US only) according to eMarketer.
If you are an online publisher interested in getting an overview of the opportunities, services and tools available online ...
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Robin Good - August 26, 2007
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