Content Delivery And Distribution - Articles Archive
from June 3, 2008 to April 24, 2008

Ready to add some new cool stuff to your online collaboration toolkit? Need to set up a video conference, manage projects, schedule a meeting or share big files and videos? Here is another set of ready-to-use online collaboration tools that make it easy to do so ... read more

Nicolo' Canali De Rossi - June 3, 2008

New media technologies are taking over the stage even when you are the presenter? If attendees to your last presentation got frequently distracted, kept avidly typing on their laptops or if your students kept getting distracted in your class, are you failing as a communicator or ... read more

George Siemens - eLearnspace Blog - June 1, 2008

The Social Media Press Release is an evolved approach to preparing press releases characterized by a multimedial and facts-oriented approach. The typical social media press release integrates video clips, bookmarks, citations, blog posts, multiple links and resources allowing the news editor to pick and select individual ... read more

Robin Good - May 31, 2008

Create your own video conferencing room and hook up with your instant messaging buddies directly from your phone. Discover new tools also to send and share very large files without using email. All of the above and more in this week collaboration tools Picnic. From Sharewood, ... read more

Nicolo' Canali De Rossi - May 27, 2008

Sending out email newsletters and having them delivered reliably to your list of subscribers has become a greater challenge than I would have ever thought. Problem is, if you don't devote yourself to it, everything is set for your email newsletter to run into trouble. To ... read more

Robin Good - May 24, 2008

The future of music is in bloggers hands. It is blogs and other independent online publishers with strong voices and personalities who are going to dominate the future of music evolution, discovery, promotion and distribution. "Whether or rather how you will get to keep the music ... read more

Gerd Leonhard - Media Futurist - May 23, 2008

Want to collaborate online in real-time? Look what I have found this time: Set up free video conferences or VoIP calls, share your desktop and grant control of your PC to anyone, or connect to any instant messaging service without installing any software. Too good to ... read more

Nicolo' Canali De Rossi - May 20, 2008

A new search and "discovery" engine has been recently unveiled and made accessible to everyone online. The new search engine called Powerset, promises to improve the entire search process by allowing you, the user, to express your search queries via keywords, phrases, or simple questions. On ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - May 17, 2008
When it comes down to content classification and findability, "tags" are for many new online publishers still something they have not fully grasped and are often used in ways that are not only less than optimal but often outright useless. Tagging blog posts, news articles or ... read more

Robin Good - May 16, 2008

"Insight turns YouTube into one of the world's largest focus groups." (Source: Google Blog)If you have a YouTube account and you do upload video clips to it you may be interested in knowing that YouTube Insight, a free tool that enables anyone with a YouTube account ... read more

Robin Good - May 15, 2008

Online collaboration tools keep coming up with new and further improved features and facilities and with zero barriers to entry for newcomers. What could you ask more? What was only a year ago reserved for those who knew a specific tool or had the money to ... read more

Nicolo' Canali De Rossi - May 13, 2008

Traditional content publishers, those who have yet to embrace and understand fully the logic of the web, have been utilizing their legal arms and small army of lawyers to wage a copyright war... fight, discourage and destroy anything that appeared as a slightly moving object in ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - May 9, 2008

Writing blog posts that get the maximum attention, is not an easy task. Sometimes it gets even to be counterintuitive, as, more often than not, I have realized that posts I wouldn't have bet a dime on, got incredible exposure, visibility, links and traffic against all ... read more

Robin Good - May 8, 2008

Ready to add some new cool tools to your online collaboration toolkit? Today Adobe launches a new, powerful version of Adobe Connect Pro, with more cool features including advanced recording abilities and more e-learning functionalities. Go check it out now. Here on my end is another ... read more


Monetization and business opportunities for online content publishers are increasing and opening up new alternative ways to do well in the online professional web publishing space. Unfortunately, most publishers, bloggers, and now even my favorite content business analyst, John Blossom, see things from a rather limited ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - May 2, 2008

What is Feedburner? I know many of you are already very familiar with Feeburner and its array of useful features, but however hard to believe, I am getting a ton of emails from individuals just starting their online publishing career and asking me to spend a ... read more

Robin Good - April 30, 2008

Online collaboration tools keep coming, and the more of them I see, the more I feel collaboration is going to be a major, critical part of our future work. Contributing collaboratively, sharing, co-editing, co-distributing, are becoming more and more standard features and facilities in every single ... read more

Nicolo' Canali De Rossi - April 28, 2008

New media technologies increasingly shape the way we work, think, interact, communicate. Understanding, dissecting, questioning and working with them is inevitable for those who seriously want to get greater knowledge and control over their use and potential. George Siemens, who is an educational technologies researcher and scholar, ... read more

George Siemens - eLearnSpace - April 26, 2008

Direct marketing is about to see a real explosion in business opportunities that are just emerging at the crossroads of traditional direct marketing, the internet television phenomenon and social media. When too much information is out there, individuals turn to their friends, to their social networks ... read more

Robin Good - April 25, 2008

The future of music, music 2.0, has now some clear definition and reference points on which it characterizes itself away from traditional commercial, sold-via-expensive-CDs, music. Gerd Leonhard, the author of The Future of Music (which I personally recommend to everyone), has just published a new book, ... read more

Gerd Leonhard - MediaFuturist - April 24, 2008

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