Audio & Music Publishing - Articles Archive
from November 27, 2005 to August 22, 2005

Sharewood Picnic is Robin Good's weekly basket of goods, tools and services found in the last week. Including several newly-released resources, these little gems can help you better understand and utilize the independent publishing revolution we are witnessing.
Feel free to download, test and try-out any of ...
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Kevin C. Borgia - November 27, 2005
File-trading seems to help those in the bottom three-quarters of popularity, but not the pop-stars indeed. Also, it appears that rules are all too often made to protect the minority of artists at the top of the curve, not most artists overall
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Chris Anderson - November 26, 2005

Future Entertainment And New Talent May Soon Indeed Come From The Roots.
I am about to launch a new free entertainment and video-driven music online service. The new site, which will launch in beta next week, is all about music videos, having fun, laughing and grassroots participation. ...
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Robin Good - November 24, 2005

"The big content owners have been determining the world's intellectual property regimes for the last few decades.
By clever lobbying at extraordinarily boring conferences, they had managed by the late 90s to commit governments, through the world trade talks, to a draconian programme of laws extending ...
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Andrew Brown - The Guardian - November 21, 2005
Sharewood Picnic is Robin Good's weekly basket of goods, tools and services found in the last week. Including several newly-released resources, these little gems can help you better understand and utilize the independent publishing revolution we are witnessing.
You are encouraged to visit the sites and test ...
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Robin Good - November 20, 2005

Repurposing and repackaging existing text-based content into other online distributable formats can be an important strategy to consider for serious online publishers.
Until now, repurposing and repackaging text content into other formats has been a labor-intensive task requiring lots of manual editing work.
But new technologies offer ...
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Sharon Housley and Robin Good - November 14, 2005

Here is Robin Good's weekly basket of new media resources, software and articles that I would like to share with you. They are all powerful digital weapons for participating in the user-driven publishing revolution Robin is chronicling.
Feel free to test, download and freely use any of ...
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Kevin C. Borgia and Robin Good - November 13, 2005

Is podcasting going to "alter" traditional radio as we know it today?
Some even believe that radio is dying altogether because of the rapid and sweeping emergence of podcasting and satellite radio complemented by the very low-quality programming of US-like commercial radio stations.
While I do not ...
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Robin Good - November 3, 2005

The same guys who have recently launched Skylook, the cool Outlook-based Skype recorder, have given me the honour of uncovering first their latest free audio recording and messaging tool that is being released today: WaxMail.
With WaxMail you can start replying to your Outlook emails via your ...
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Robin Good - October 11, 2005

Yahoo Podcasts is out! Yahoo too has joined the frey by launching its own podcasting directory and search engine.
The Yahoo Podcasts clearinghouse integrates good search, the use of tags and an integrated player to stream any audio selected audio show in a matter of seconds.
Podcasters ...
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Robin Good - October 11, 2005

The realization of the Long Tail and the opportunities it delivers to the small publishers, niche musicians, independent video-makers is tightly weaved with the ability of Internet entrepreneurs and open-source developers to design effective search tools that enable true exploration of specific media universes like books, ...
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Robin Good - October 5, 2005

Foafing the Music is the first music recommender system based on user's profile. This means that, depending on what you like, what you listen to, where you live, you get personalized music recommendations.
Foafing the Music is part of the SIMAC IST-EU project which devotes itself ...
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Oscar Celma - Universidad Pompeu Fabra - October 1, 2005
//">eMusic, the number two online music service, has revamped their daily music magazine with an all-star team of the top 100 rock critics and musicians, who are working to create "an expertly-curated editorial exploration of the greatest collection of independent music ever created."
Staffed by music heavyweights ...
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Robin Good - Yahoo News - September 30, 2005

Here is another great basket of new media resources, software and articles that I'd like to share with you. Feel free to test, try and share these little gems with your friends, they are my Sunday little present to you.
This is what I have found:
Music ...
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Robin Good - Kevin Borgia - September 25, 2005

JaJah, one of the interesting alternatives to Skype has just released an integrated recording function offering the option to record any of voice call going through JaJah as a standard MP3 file.
JaJah supports an innovative feature set that makes it a promising alternative to Skype unmatched ...
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Robin Good - Kolabora - September 22, 2005
Here is a new white-paper on podcasting for learning:
Written and produced by the Otter Group, the paper "dips [the authors'] baby toes into the pool of possibilities in podcasting for learning."
Since March of this year the Otter Group has been producing the Negotiating Tip of ...
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Aixa Almonte [via Kathleen Gilroy] - Otter Group - September 21, 2005
Do you know how you can use podcasting and video blogging to communicate effectively via online media?
Are you interested in starting up your own Internet TV or radio station?
For the first time in human history every individual has the power of self-expression to reach ...
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ITConversations - September 17, 2005

With the combination of Internet calls and VoiceXML, a new era of innovation is coming to the telephone.
Skype has jut announced its partnership with three voice application development companies opening a new huge market for voice-based services and applications delivered through the Skype platform:
Sport information
Training ...
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Robin Good - September 10, 2005

Can you help me discover more music that I'll like?
"Each friend told us their favorite artists and songs, explored the music we suggested, gave us feedback, and we in turn made new suggestions. Everybody started joking that we were now their personal DJs."
A new ...
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Robin Good - August 29, 2005
Imagine being able to broadcast and receive digital information from your Wi-Fi enabled car, cell phone, handheld computer or MP3 player as you move around your environment. Everyone participates in a dynamic, decentralized network of individuals sharing information with anyone within a 30 mile radius. ...
read more - August 22, 2005
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