Testing Technologies - Articles Archive
from November 16, 2010 to May 4, 2005
Tools and technologies to test online communication projects. Testing tools for online publishers. Web site testing tools. Compatibility testing, usability testing, performance testing, link popularity testing, code validation testing are only some of the many ongoing testing needs an online publisher must meet.

While knowing how to speed up your website is a crucial technical competence for any serious webmaster, the new frontier is knowing how to avoid getting a web site to perform poorly after having added third-party widgets, add-ons and plugins. As a matter of fact, as ...
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Drazen Dobrovodski - November 16, 2010

Are you looking to speed up your web site speed performance and page load speed but you don't know what to do with all those third-party widgets and JavaScripts you have been adding on your side columns? Have you just finished testing your web site speed ...
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Drazen Dobrovodski - November 9, 2010

Are you looking for an on-demand video encoding service? Do you need a cloud-based alternative that works seamlessly across any type of hardware or operating system? Are you looking for an easy way to convert videos to publish on your web site or watch on your ...
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Daniele Bazzano - September 28, 2009

How do you choose your ideal web hosting provider? Are there specific questions to ask when looking at different web hosting plans? What are the key elements to look at when evaluating a web hosting solution?
This web hosting providers guide has been designed to help novice ...
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Daniele Bazzano - September 14, 2009

Monitoring automatically your web server allows you to be alerted anytime the server "goes down" or when there are some serious performance issues with it. This is crucial especially when you run a commercial business online and your business depends on the ability of your web ...
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Robin Good - September 7, 2009

Is there a way to find out the actual value of your blog or website? If you wanted to consider accepting new publishing partners or were caressing the idea of selling out to someone else, would there be tools to help you gauge how much your ...
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Robin Good - May 18, 2009

AdSense optimization is a series of tactics to help you to improve Google AdSense performance on your blog site. One of the key issues you face when you decide to use AdSense is WHERE to place ads. Above the fold? At the Bottom? Left or Right ...
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Mel Ann Chan - Inside AdSense - November 27, 2008

Online ad optimization is the science of identifying on the basis of statistical data the best performing ads / ad network providers as well as the best performing ad position, layout, color and font style on your web pages in order to optimize online advertising revenue. ...
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Daniele Bazzano - September 4, 2008

"Insight turns YouTube into one of the world's largest focus groups." (Source: Google Blog)If you have a YouTube account and you do upload video clips to it you may be interested in knowing that YouTube Insight, a free tool that enables anyone with a YouTube account ...
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Robin Good - May 15, 2008

Woopra is a new real-time web traffic monitoring service which provides extensive visitors and traffic data, alongside some very cool analysis features and the unique ability to track and live interact with your selected site visitors.
As a matter of fact I have been looking for ...
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Robin Good - April 8, 2008

One of the most useful things you can do to better understand and improve the quality and quantity of web traffic on your site or blog, is to learn how to track, monitor, measure and make sense of the large quantity of data your web visitors ...
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Robin Good - March 26, 2008

Browser compatibility testing is a web development practice that allows a web site owner to verify how her web site or blog, appears on computers utilizing browsers, operating systems and screen resolutions that are different from the one used in originally designing / developing a web ...
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Robin Good and Michael Pick - January 22, 2007

The ubiquity of cheap, all but throwaway cameras is something we have come to take for granted. Web-cams and the advent of online video sharing have made broadcasting our internal lives to the world as easy and as commonplace as picking up the phone. But ...
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Michael Pick - January 6, 2007

Web widgets are tiny web applications that allow online publishers to easily distribute their content in a way that facilitates snappy integration by other blogs and web sites.
In this video guide to web widgets I introduce you to these easy to use, highly interactive micro-applications ...
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Michael Pick - November 27, 2006

Low-cost international calls from your mobile phone are now a reality thanks to the new JaJAah Mobile solution being launched today at DEMOfall in San Diego, California. In simple words, from today you can make JaJah calls directly from your existing mobile phone.
Today, 2.5 billion people ...
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Robin Good - September 26, 2006

If you think that slick and professionally-looking sites, sporting national advertisers and promotions are safe destinations, void of malware or spyware risks for your computer, think again.
Apparently, it's not easy to judge a site's safety just by looking at it, and in fact, good-looking sites are ...
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Robin Good - May 3, 2006

Remote access to your PC from anywhere via mobile phone
Podcast search engine allows creation and sharing of channels
Server monitoring service makes it easy and free to track server status
Desktop music player tracks and reports your music preferences
Map creation service allows personal life events documentation
Spreadsheet hosting editing ...
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Robin Good and Livia Iacolare - April 23, 2006

If you are a web developer, an interface designer, or a webmaster with a strong interest for CSS and web design issues, you must pay a regular visit to Vitaly Friedman' site, who writes, collects and selects the very best resources and tools on these topics.
Vitaly ...
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Vitaly Friedman - Vitaly Friedman Blog - January 12, 2006

As Gary Price had originally anticipated back in July this year, Google has now officially launched Google Analytics.
Google Analytics is a free service that Google offers to its customers to allow them to track, monitor and measure with great accuracy statistics relating to traffic, conversions and ...
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Robin Good - November 14, 2005

Usability testing is that field of activity that puts a specific information system, tool or product under the scrutiny of a precise methodology geared at identifying the specific bugs, idiosyncrasies and ambiguities inherent in the design and interface of the product at hand.
As such, usability ...
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Robin Good - May 4, 2005
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