Online Marketing - Articles Archive
from April 8, 2011 to September 15, 2010
Internet marketing strategies, online marketing tools, Web promotion, PR, online visibility and exposure tactics. Ethical online marketing. Permission marketing. Viral marketing. Marketing as a conversation. Monetization of independent news resources, blogs and RSS. Search engine optimization.

This is the story of SEOmoz, as I have heard it by sitting in the first row of a small but very attentive audience at the LUISS University in Rome, Italy. The storyteller is Rand Fishkin himself, the father and founder of an SEO company which ...
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Robin Good - April 8, 2011
Entrepreneurship, Google Panda And Content Strategies: Key Recommendations From SEOmoz' Rand Fishkin

Just a few days ago I had the pleasure of meeting face-to-face, with SEOmoz founder and SEO expert Rand Fishkin. Rand had been invited by the LUISS University of Rome in conjunction with the American Embassy to deliver, for the first time, the business story of ...
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Robin Good - March 21, 2011

What are the key trends and predictions for online advertising? From mobile ads, to real-time bidding and ad-specific technologies, what are the key changes professional web publishers need to pay attention to?
In this MasterNewMedia guide to the future of online advertising, you can find the most ...
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Robin Good - March 14, 2011

What are the key emerging internet marketing trends? Which are the new marketing factors to take into greater consideration in the near future?
In this realm, some of the most frequently asked questions I receive in my inbox include:
"Hey Robin, should I invest extra energies ...
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Robin Good - March 3, 2011

Everyone is talking about them: eBooks. Whether you like, have tried or have yet to get exposed to this relatively new electronic publishing medium, you can be sure that ebooks will play a role in your future. Particularly so if you are an author. From the ...
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Robin Good - February 25, 2011

If you are a web site publisher, smartphones, iPhones, tablets and iPads are in your future. There is no escape. In this light, I have gone out to look for the most interesting and relevant trends, anticipations and predictions about the mobile world and how these ...
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Robin Good - February 10, 2011

Content curation is one of the most disruptive forces to have emerged in the last twelve months and one that will continue to expand its reach and influence in the coming years. Content curation, and with it, all of the infinite number of other curation sub-niches ...
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Robin Good - January 18, 2011

In an age where online content is increasingly spreading in contexts different than the original source, understanding all content distribution options at stake can help you better understand which are the best course of actions to follow. What license should you publish under? Is an email ...
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Robin Good - January 11, 2011

For most of the people, online marketing is a risky business. A field packed with well-dressed unscrupulous people, who use all kinds of dirty tricks to carve money out of unaware visitors who land on their website pages. But this is just one kind of online ...
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Robin Good - January 6, 2011

Social media is gradually changing the paradigm of how people market, promote and care about their customers and potential clients. But what is the correct strategy, tools and approach to achieve those goals?
Most social media users, both individuals and companies, just open social media accounts ...
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Robin Good - January 4, 2011

Are top US corporations embracing social media technologies? The new research study on 2010 Fortune 500 companies and their use of blogs, Twitter and Facebook seems to positively confirm this trend.
Each year Fortune Magazine compiles a list of the largest US corporations, which are ...
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Nora Ganim Barnes and Eric Mattson - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth - December 10, 2010

What is the real value of curated content? Does it live in the content itself or does it live in the context, in the curation of the content - the commentary, the opinion pieces, the conversations that the content itself generates?
In these two short video interviews ...
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Robin Good - December 1, 2010

If you are looking for a cost-effective solution to offload any amount of tedious, time-consuming tasks to a qualified, on-demand human workforce, Amazon Mechanical Turk, or one of its new international competitors, may be your best choice. These services not only help you match your task ...
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Srinivas Rao and Amanda Michel - ProPublica - November 2, 2010

What are P2P and open infrastructures? Can open knowledge and peer production subvert the economic system of physical production? Is there a chance for the "society of openness" to ever come of age? Robin Good interviewed the P2P Foundation evangelist and founder Michel Bauwens to find ...
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Robin Good - October 26, 2010

What are the business opportunities for real-time news and content curation? Are there key business drivers that companies can leverage to build new added-value content services? What are the major trends that will be driving the content curation marketplace? How will newspaper and magazines take advantage ...
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Robin Good - October 20, 2010

What tools do I need to do "content curation"? Do I need a different technology if I want to curate the news and not the rest? How about if I want to curate only video clips. Is there something just for that? How many "curation" tools ...
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Robin Good - October 13, 2010

What skills do I need to have if I want to be an effective real-time news curator? Can I just pick the best headlines and links on my topic of interest or do I need to do know / do more? What makes a great news ...
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Robin Good - October 6, 2010

What are the tasks involved in the real-time news curation process? What does exactly a news curator do?
In Part 1 of this Curation Guide I have explained the reasons why news curation has become a necessity. Part 2 was devoted to explain the difference ...
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Robin Good - September 29, 2010

What's more important? To save editors time and abilities in finding and reporting the most relevant stories so that they can dwell more on content production, or to leverage to-the-max the power of new media technologies such as automated aggregators, search engines, or social analysis tools, ...
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Robin Good - September 22, 2010

We are no longer just consumers of content, we have become curators of it too. In Part 1 of this Guide I have introduced why we really need real-time news curation and what is the basic idea behind it (Part 1 - Real-Time News Curation, Newsmastering ...
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Robin Good - September 15, 2010
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