Online Collaboration - Articles Archive
from April 27, 2011 to May 3, 2010
The convergent synergy of Web conferencing, real-time collaboration technologies, instant messaging, live presentation tools, and shared secure persistent online workspaces. Online collaboration issues, trends and technologies. Live, web-based, presentation technologies, videoconferencing tools, interactive whiteboards, P2P collaboration.

How do you transform a webinar or an Internet conference into a memorable, highly engaging and useful event? What are the key areas in which one needs to work to move online events from one-way presentations, with zero interaction and involvement, to highly engaging learning experiences ...
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Robin Good - April 27, 2011

Are you looking for a web-based service that allows you to create and publish a professional online survey? Do you need to create an online survey but are not too sure about what service to use? In this MasterNewMedia guide you can find the best available ...
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Daniele Bazzano - April 20, 2011

What are the key new media, communication and social technology trends that are going to affect you the most during 2011?
In the coming weeks, me and the MasterNewMedia editorial team, will devote a large amount of resources and time to identify, collect, and organize the most ...
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Robin Good - February 3, 2011

Is the age of openness and peer-to-peer collaboration really coming? How does a system work when it is based on cooperation and collaborative approaches rather than on competition and predatory practices?
What are P2P and open infrastructures? Can open knowledge and peer production subvert the economic ...
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Robin Good - January 27, 2011

The large adoption of communication and collaboration technologies, alongside the intelligent use and adoption of these tools by a new emergent class of educators, have opened up new horizons for the world of education and learning, by empowering students to be again explorers and active collaborative ...
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Robin Good - January 25, 2011

Social media is gradually changing the paradigm of how people market, promote and care about their customers and potential clients. But what is the correct strategy, tools and approach to achieve those goals?
Most social media users, both individuals and companies, just open social media accounts ...
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Robin Good - January 4, 2011

Are top US corporations embracing social media technologies? The new research study on 2010 Fortune 500 companies and their use of blogs, Twitter and Facebook seems to positively confirm this trend.
Each year Fortune Magazine compiles a list of the largest US corporations, which are ...
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Nora Ganim Barnes and Eric Mattson - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth - December 10, 2010

If you are looking for a cost-effective solution to offload any amount of tedious, time-consuming tasks to a qualified, on-demand human workforce, Amazon Mechanical Turk, or one of its new international competitors, may be your best choice. These services not only help you match your task ...
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Srinivas Rao and Amanda Michel - ProPublica - November 2, 2010

What are P2P and open infrastructures? Can open knowledge and peer production subvert the economic system of physical production? Is there a chance for the "society of openness" to ever come of age? Robin Good interviewed the P2P Foundation evangelist and founder Michel Bauwens to find ...
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Robin Good - October 26, 2010

What has P2P to do with politics? Isn't peer-to-peer related to file sharing and pirated media? As a matter of fact, peer-to-peer is not just a popular set of tools and technologies to easily share and distribute digital content, but it is also a new fascinating ...
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Robin Good - August 3, 2010

Did you know that if you already have a personal profile Facebook page and want to create another one for your company you can't? Businesses on Facebook are supposed to have a Fan Page, not a Personal Page! Yeah, and it is official: go check out ...
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Robin Good, Daniele Bazzano and Elia Lombardi - July 19, 2010

Colleges and universities in North America continue to increase their adoption and large scale use of social media technologies, outpacing both Fortune and Inc 500 on the blogging front. Besides using these to augment and extend their overall communication, learning and student support services, educational institutions ...
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Nora Ganim Barnes and Eric Mattson - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Center for Marketing Research - July 8, 2010

Professional wireframing and web design prototyping tools take a step forward compared with free wireframing tools and commercial website prototyping tools, by allowing you to draw highly-realistic mockups of websites. In this MasterNewMedia guide you will find the best professional wireframing and website prototyping tools that ...
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Robin Good and Daniele Bazzano - July 5, 2010

Wireframing and website prototyping tools allow you to take full control of your website architecture without hiring a web designer. You can build a faithful draft of what your website layout will look like without detailing color, graphics and specific design elements. In this MasterNewMedia guide ...
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Robin Good and Daniele Bazzano - June 21, 2010

What is social media? Is it a strategy or a tactic?
You cannot just gather fans on Facebook one day, send messages on Twitter the next and start commenting on YouTube and Linkedin in between, hoping that this is the way you can get social media ...
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Robin Good - June 10, 2010

Website prototyping and wireframing tools can help you sketch out and draft your overall website architecture without the need to hire a web designer to do it. For this reason, wireframing is the first step one should consider when designing a new website. In this MasterNewMedia ...
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Robin Good and Daniele Bazzano - June 7, 2010

"Social media is a strategy, not a tactic". You cannot just jump on the social media bandwagon opening accounts here and there, without having a clear objective to reach and a specific path to follow. The result will be only more time spent on social media ...
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Robin Good - June 2, 2010

Do you want to make international calls at the lowest rates possible? If you didn’t know, there are many Internet services that allow you to make low-cost phone calls to any mobile or landline phone on the planet using only your computer, your mobile phone or ...
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Robin Good and Daniele Bazzano - May 17, 2010

To create, host and manage large-audience webinars and online events, there are a number of web conferencing tools that can help you deal efficiently with hundreds of participants. But how do you choose among all these services which one is best for you? In this MasterNewMedia ...
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Robin Good and Daniele Bazzano - May 10, 2010

On May, 4th 2010, Ning, one of the most popular social networking platforms on the web, is phasing out its free service. All free online communities will either be converted into premium online groups or discontinued altogether. As a consequence of the subsequent growing demand for ...
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Robin Good and Daniele Bazzano - May 3, 2010
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