Knowledge Management - Articles Archive
from April 7, 2010 to September 17, 2008
Knowledge management is the systematic process of finding, selecting, organizing and presenting information in ways that improve the understanding of a certain subject topic by a person. Knowledge management helps an organization gain advantage from his own experience and tacit know-how.

What is project-based learning? PBL is a new learning approach which places greater emphasis on targeting the learning of complex experiences, geared to a specific goal or objective, in place of the traditional academic approach strongly focusing on rote memorization of multiple information items alienated from ...
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Robin Good - April 7, 2010

Focused attention, participation, collaboration and critical consumption (which includes "crap detection") are the core 21st century new media literacy skills needed to become a fully enabled and active citizen of this ongoing digital communication revolution.
"Increasingly... the digital divide is less about access to technology and more ...
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Robin Good - January 22, 2010

How to design schools and a new education system for the future? Is it possible to extract only the positive aspects of the current education paradigm and create a brand new schooling model?
Somehow we have to recognize what is it that schools do well, what functionality ...
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Robin Good - December 18, 2009

What does the future of learning look like? What is going to change in the future of our education systems? What role will new media technologies play in the way you and I will share knowledge and skills in the near future? If you want to ...
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Robin Good - November 19, 2009

As power is moving away from hierarchically-structured organizations to newer forms of collaborative, bottom-up, open-sharing approaches, what is organizational leadership to do to embrace such change without losing complete control of its traditional mandates?
New media technologies have ushered us into a new extended environment in which ...
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Mark Pesce - The Human Network - June 5, 2009

Live teaching and learning marketplaces are a new emergent set of online exchanges where independent teachers and educators can easily share or sell their know-how with those looking for it. Independent guides and experts can deliver live and recorded lessons using a full set of web ...
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Robin Good - May 11, 2009

The Paradox of Web 2.0 is the realization that the big transformations and changes sweeping the worlds of communication, marketing and new media, from bottom-up participation to sharing and open collaboration are light years ahead and as distant as a far away galaxy from the education ...
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Robin Good - Vance's GeekSpeek - March 21, 2009

What is the Web 2.0 paradox? It is the living paradox of a society which while it learns and applies fundamental new rules of behaviour and communication thanks to rapid growth of the Internet in many business sectors, it fails yet to have enough moral maturity ...
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Robin Good - Vance's GeekSpeek - March 20, 2009

How do you monetize free? Can you make money by giving away your very best ideas and content? In this video, publisher Tim O'Reilly makes an argument for open publishing, and explains how can you earn money from giving away your stuff without selling it.
If you ...
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Tim O'Reilly - Open Publishing Lab - March 18, 2009

"Change is racing along so fast that the old learn-in-advance methods are no longer sufficient. While network infrastructure is evolving exponentially, we humans have been poking along. ... We've got to reinvent ourselves and get back on the fast track."
Informal learning evangelist Jay Cross thought of ...
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Jay Cross - Chief Learning Officer - February 27, 2009

"Peers are an important driver of learning: the focus of learning and engagement is not defined by institutional accountabilities but rather emerges from kids' interests and everyday social communication."
"When... peer negotiations occur in a context of public scrutiny, youth are motivated to develop their identities and ...
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Konrad Glogowski - blog of proximal development - February 13, 2009

How are you going to certify your knowledge in the near future? While it is unlikely that general educational degrees will maintain their value and business currency, it is increasingly probable that your "value" will be in good part vouched for by the "portfolio" of your ...
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Stephen Downes - Half an Hour - February 4, 2009

"In the future students will not be constrained by the limits of the classroom model. They will set their own curriculum and proceed at their own pace. Learning can thus be based on a student’s individual needs, rather than as predefined in a formal class, and ...
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Stephen Downes - Half an Hour - February 3, 2009

If your goal is to improve the ways and tools with which you collaborate with your team, as well as the resources and approaches to to learn, discover and share more of what you know, here are the best 2008 MasterNewMedia articles about online collaboration.
Whether you ...
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Daniele Bazzano - December 28, 2008

John Buckman, the entrepreneur behind Magnatune, shared his personal vision for successfully becoming your own boss at LeWeb '08 conference in Paris.
The title of his presentation was "Love Entrepreneurship: Your Own Way" and his focus was specifically on what key points you MUST follow if ...
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John Buckman - LeWeb '08 - December 19, 2008

This is my own video on the future of education, that completes and extends what I was able to deliver this past Wednesday at LeWeb in Paris.
Here below you can see two videos. One is the original recording from my LeWeb presentation and the other ...
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Robin Good - December 14, 2008

One of the main steps to become a successful online publisher is to build a strong online identity. The more you establish yourself as a reliable source of information, the more the people will seek you for help and visit your site.
In this short video tutorial, ...
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Daniele Bazzano - December 10, 2008

As Microsoft has recently announced its plan to customize the Windows operating system for cloud computing, it is likely that a number of profound changes will affect the way enterprise servers and major content distributors will need to act if they want to keep competing in ...
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John Blossom - Shore - November 3, 2008

Information overload: are you affected by it? How can you better manage it? Are big companies giving us more and better information? How can you determine which information is worthwhile looking at? How to you decrease the noise created by the huge volume of info ...
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Mikkel - Design Af Mikkel - September 18, 2008

I have had the honor of recently having as a house guest Michel Bauwens, the P2P philosophy evangelist, who, while based in remote Thailand, travels around the world to explain and divulge what peer to peer is really all about.
Peer to peer is not just illegal ...
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Robin Good - September 17, 2008
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