Communication Agents Initiative - Articles Archive
from April 28, 2007 to June 5, 2004
Online news reporters for social change. The Communication Agents Initiative is a mini-network of independent news reporters reporting on key issues relating to health, freedom, media democracy, alternative energy, economics and civil liberties.

The pharmaceutical industry is driven by profits like any other business. The fundamental difference is that the vast majority of businesses do not directly impact upon our health, and the treatments we are given by our so-called health-care providers.
In this short ten-point article Chris Gupta ...
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Chris Gupta - Share The Wealth - April 28, 2007

Pete Boardman is a cancer patient. He has first hand experience with our system of disease treatment, having been diagnosed with cancer and gone through the routine of surgery and chemotherapy. He believes that the treatment routine of our "modern" medicine may be oriented towards profit ...
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Sepp Hasslberger and Pete Boardman - Health Supreme - December 2, 2006

Changing other people's minds, launching small and large Calls To Action, influencing and persuading others, providing insightful tools and pointers to facilitate self-discovery and personal understanding: these are the most powerful applications that individuals, small online publishers and passionate researchers can make of blogs today.
Helping ...
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Robin Good and John Blossom - Shore - July 27, 2006

Here is a mental exercise in reading, and in maintaining a flexible viewpoint about reality and your future.
If you are happy with business in general, with your work and salary and with the way we should conduct our lives is portrayed by most media, independent ...
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Ran Prieur - - March 18, 2006

As many of you know among the several initiatives and projects I support or am involved with, there is one that is particularly close to my heart and mission. It is called the Communication Agents Initiative and outside of the old, outdated official communications which I ...
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Robin Good - October 3, 2005
Here is an idea for everyone interested in sharing ideas to change the world!
Libertes Philosophica or “the right to think” was a phrase coined by Giordano Bruno, a controversial Italian Renaissance philosopher who challenged the authorities by daring to think beyond the common beliefs ...
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Mykljonzun - August 19, 2005

"Inside the frame..and they are living their lives in the frame...
Most of them, don't want to look... they don't want to find out if there is anything outside..."
About two months ago I have had the pleasure to meet and interview Jon Rappoport, an independent news ...
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Robin Good - August 1, 2005

About a year ago, I was briefly consulted by Italy's RadioRadicale, to review and analyze a new challenging and very ambitious project.
The goal was the creation of a software-based technology platform to allow the easy editing, commenting, remixing and online re-distribution of all of the tens ...
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Robin Good - July 19, 2005

Born with the intention of providing an alternative news venue for the younger generations, often very critical and alienated by mainstream news media, the Guerrilla News Network is a uniquely interesting hub of counter-information, articles, and voices from a growing group of awareness-increasing individuals.
One of the ...
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Robin Good - July 17, 2005

"The lack of transparency in the world of opinion-making is an ongoing scandal. What we have today is a system of opinion laundering, where powerful interests try to create public support for their side of issues without disclosing the hidden agendas. Media organizations then publish or ...
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Robin Good - Dan Gillmor On Grassroots - February 16, 2005

The change-agent information warriors the title refers to are those individuals who have taken on the challenging opportunity of becoming independent news reporters, online information watchdogs for what mainstream media is forgetting to cover every minute.
Some good steam is coming out of the Communication Agents Initiative, ...
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Robin Good - November 30, 2004

All of us have great ideas from time to time. Most often, those bright sparks extinguish quickly, usually because a great idea unshared is nothing more than that - a great idea.
But if you have a great idea that you'd like as many people as ...
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Robin Good - November 19, 2004

Do you want to be come an online entrepreneur, a small independent and sustainable publisher on the topic(s) that reflect your true interests and passions?
Flemming Flunch's Escape Velocity is a new blog out there that has just started laying out the right questions, the possible routes ...
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Robin Good - Escape Velocity - November 14, 2004
..."But it was really the internet that allowed public health activists to do an end run around GSK's and the medical authorities' denials of the drug's risks. An explosion of websites dedicated to vivid accounts of antidepressant reactions told these campaigners about hundreds of thousands affected ...
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Chris Gupta - September 28, 2004
"Change is frustrating for everyone in organizations. Leaders know that often survival depends on change. Most employees however see change only as a threat and resist change. Change is seen by most as involving great effort and that in the end it often fails. But there ...
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Robert Paterson Weblog - [via Stephen Downes] - July 18, 2004
How much do I count in the spreading of new ideas? Am I a change agent? Can I really help this planet become a better place? Sepp Hasslberger, a change agent by explicit mission, author and editor of Health Supreme, comforts the many of you out ...
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Robin Good - July 10, 2004
"Starting epidemics requires concentrating resources on a few key areas. Your resources ought to be solely concentrated on the [those who naturally play the roles of]Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen. The world does not accord with our intuition. Those who are successful at creating social epidemics do ...
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HappyFeetTravel - [via Bala Pillai] - June 30, 2004
Sepp Hasslberger, one of Robin Good's three independent news reporters participating in his Communication Agents Initiative, asks him seven direct questions on education, mainstream media, the arts, music rights and how to save the Internet. If you want to get a peek at Robin views on ...
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Robin Good - June 20, 2004
Here is David Pollard's "list of forty actions -- technological, social, entrepreneurial, political -- that could create a new 'tipping point' to restore our planet's, and our, health." I find this list inspirational and of good use for those seeking a more meaningful and rewarding role ...
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Dave Pollard - How To Save The World - June 10, 2004
The Buckminster Fuller Institute and the Cal-(IT)2 Game Culture & Technology Lab at UC Irvine are in the initial conceptualization of a massively multi-player game whose goal is to save the world. The game takes a bottom-up approach through missions in which players deploy large numbers ...
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Celia Pearce - Planetwork - June 5, 2004
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