Robin Good Archive Of Latest News
What are the key skills that, in an hypothetical situation where there were no schools as we know them today, I would deem essential for my son and daughters to learn in their youth?
Photo credit: Child with question marks by Shutterstock
By posing myself this question over ... read more
Robin Good - June 3
What are the key skills to be learned to live a successful life? If schools as we know them, were not there, what would I consider top critical skills to be learned for my kids?
Photo credit: Boy playing by Shutterstock
In the previous parts of this guide ... read more
Robin Good - May 20
Which are the critical life skills one really needs to learn to be able to live a successful and meaningful life?
Photo credit: College female student by Shutterstock
Trying to answer this question has been the key driver of this multi-part guide designed to question our conservative assumption ... read more
Robin Good - May 13
Which are the really important things that one needs to learn in order to survive and live a successful life on this planet?
Photo credit: Little boy lying on a floor by Shutterstock
Whether in Manhattan, lost in the jungle, on a remote island or on an extraterrestrial ... read more
Robin Good - May 6
If there were no schools and traditional academic curriculums, and one had the option to question and rethink a human being learning curriculum what would be in it?
Photo credit: Clever pupil boy by Shutterstock
If we suspend momentarily the reasoning and goals that went into the creation ... read more
Robin Good - April 29
Today we can change the world every time we put our hand in our pocket reaching for money.
Photo credit: Social media concept by Shutterstock
If we carefully select who we give this money too, we can have a tangible effect on which companies do better, improve their ... read more
Robin Good - April 22
At the crossroad of journalism and entrepreneurship sits a new emerging profession, made up in good part by the skills of the classic journalist, in part by those of the researcher, of the librarian and of the new emerging content curator mixed in with those of ... read more
Robin Good - April 15
In the age of startups and micro-enterprises, the first thing you hear about, when it comes to creating a new company, service or digital product is a whole new glossary of words starting ranging from “venture capital” to “angel investors”.
Photo credit: Man climbing by Shutterstock
There’s ... read more
Robin Good - April 8
I am often surprised when hear from web publishers, journalists and small web entrepreneurs about their frustration with finding ways to create valuable content that it is not just another article or blog post.
Photo credit: Robin Good - Original full size table
Although there are more than ... read more
Robin Good - April 2
What’s the best strategy to adopt to market on social media? I have been asked this question a million times, but my basic answer has not changed over time: listen, help and be your potential client best friend.
Photo credit: Crowded bar by Shutterstock
Social media have been ... read more
Robin Good - March 25
Content Curation has been hijacked and has been sold as a cheap and easy solution for content marketers plagued by the growing problem of how to produce more quality content within tighter and tighter time constraints.
Photo credit: Red female shoes by Shutterstock
But, just like the ... read more
Robin Good - March 18

The future of search, and of searching online, could be drastically different, and better, from what we have now. If you only wanted to.
Photo credit: Eyeball
As we head further into the future, search engines, as we know them today, will increasingly play an important and critical ... read more
Robin Good - March 11

Once upon a time, back in the years before 2010, the CMS was an instrumento to create, organize, manage and publish content on a specific web property, website or blog.
Photo credit: CMS concept by Shutterstock
This classic CMS was characterized by its ability to:
support our ... read more
Robin Good - March 4

What are the key trends, patterns and changes that are going to transform the web publishing and journalism industries in the near future?
Photo credit: Cyber man with technolgy eye by Shutterstock
While in Part I and Part II of this series I have looked at:
a) Process Journalism ... read more
Robin Good - February 25

What’s ahead of us when it comes to web publishing? How will the tools, methods and approaches to design, to create and to package news and information change over the course of the next few years?
Photo credit: Technology eye by Shutterstock
In Part I of this journey ... read more
Robin Good - February 18

What is changing? What should you as a communicator, evangelist, news journalist, or blogger prepare, train and get ready for when looking at the future of publishing online?
Photo credit: Businessman hand working with the new computer by Shutterstock
The key changes and transformations that I have been ... read more
Robin Good - January 21

Nonetheless we are just at the beginning of a new era, in which content curation will be as important as search, there is already an apparent abundance of content curation tools of all kinds.
Photo credit: Hand filling out checklist on clipboard with a pen by Shutterstock
To ... read more
Robin Good - January 7

In the coming months and years, I expect content curation tools are going to play a very important role in many different fields. From news journalism, to content development, to learning and education, ecommerce and tourism, there are plenty of areas that have a common need: ... read more
Robin Good - December 18

Content curation tools are in their infancy. Nonetheless you see so many of them around, there are more new curation tools coming your way soon, with lots of new features and options. Existing content curation services will in fact need to start rolling up their sleeves ... read more
Robin Good - December 13

Content curation will play a major role both in the way we "teach" and in the way we educate ourselves on any topic. When and where it will be adopted, it will deeply affect many key aspects of the educational ecosystem.
Photo credit: Red horizontal floral - ... read more
Robin Good - August 9

In the not too distant future you will learn new key skills through free or low-cost professional online courses, available both from prestigious world-class academic institutions as well as from private experts. Companies will in turn tap into these new learning ecosystems and knowledge providers to ... read more
Robin Good - July 2

What is curation? Does it really help or is it adding more noise to the soundwave of information already coming at us? Where do you draw the line between social sharing, personal expression and true curation? Is there one?
Photo credit: Ross Dawson
A few weeks back ... read more
Robin Good - June 19

Today content curation is "sold", promoted and marketed as the latest and trendiest approach to content production, SEO visibility, reputation and traffic building. But is it really so? Is it really true that by aggregating many content sources and picking and republishing those news and stories ... read more
Robin Good - November 4

The new frontiers for content curation tools and services are in a) providing advanced collaborative ("social)" features and in b) introducing and integrating new and effective, highly visual, delivery formats.
Photo credit: CaraMaria
Curating content and news is not just about the selection, editing and contextualization of stories ... read more
Robin Good - September 6

A web designer creates beautiful layouts for the web content of his customer. The customer is happy at first, but as he grows more knowledgeable about the web and its possibilities, he starts asking new layout changes, integration of new features and more.
Photo credit: Peshkova
What happens ... read more
Robin Good - July 27

Is Empire Avenue just a fad? Is EAv just another social network and maybe a fascinating new type of news reader (like Robert Scoble writes), or is it really - like I think - a whole new ball game?
Photo credit: JGraphic, Empire Avenue, mashed by ... read more
Robin Good - July 19

If you are curious to see what happens at the convergence between social networking, social influence and reputation, online engagement and gamification, I think it is about time you gave a good look, if you haven’t already done so, at Empire Avenue.
Photo credit: JGraphic, Empire Avenue, ... read more
Robin Good - July 12

Why is content curation so important? In this video interview, I recorded with Micah Sifry, co-founder and editor of the Personal Democracy Forum, you can taste one more viewpoint and explanation of why news and content curation are becoming so important. And not only.
Photo credit: Robin ... read more
Robin Good - June 29

Are content curation and the future of search converging? Who will you trust when it comes to find out what alternatives to a problem are out there and you have only an Internet connection? How much individual freedom do you want to sacrifice to an algorithm, ... read more
Robin Good - June 21

Hey AdSense publisher, are you really ready for Google Panda? Almost four months have gone since Panda, the new quality content filter from Google that has hit the web making thousands of web sites close business in the name of giving greater space to real quality ... read more
Robin Good - June 17